Fred van der Kraaij (FVDK) is an economist who earned his PhD (cum laude) at Tilburg University in 1983. He specialized in the economics of African countries including the political economy and the impact of foreign investments. His interest in human rights and the rule of law have led to the present website.
He started his professional career in Bolivia, South America (1960s), lived in West Africa for over 16 years: in Liberia, Burkina Faso (former Upper Volta), Mali and Senegal, a region he first visited in1972; and in North America (USA) around the turn of the century.
He maintains a popular website Liberia Past and Present and publishes posts as @liberiapp (‘Liberia Past Present’), @FredVDKraaij (‘Western Sahel’) and @LeonV2000 (‘Rural Killings in Africa’).