Nigerian Tribune Editorial: “Stop the trade in human parts and related criminal activities, ‘money rituals’!”

Below I present a cry for justice and an urgent appeal voiced by the Editorial Board of the Nigerian Tribune, a leading Nigerian newspaper, to stop the nefarious trade in human parts, related organ harvesting and inhumane criminal activities commonly referred to as ‘money rituals’ in Africa’s most populous country. The authors of the Editorial call for immediate government action to stop these heinous practices and to apprehend and punish the culprits.

Previous posts on the present site related to the widespread occurrence of ‘money rituals’ in Nigeria underscore the importance of this cry for justice and urgent appeal to the highest Nigerian authorities to take immediate action.

That human skulls merchant

Published: June 19, 2024
By: Editorial – The Nigerian Tribune

IT seems that the criminals who trade in human flesh are intent on continuing their ruinous trade even in the face of social disapproval, and will never mend. That is why they must always be subjected to the wrath of the law. Hardly does a month go by without some story about ritual killing or related activities in the country. Just last week, one Yusuf Adinoyi, a suspected ritualist, was arrested with eight human skulls by security agents at Isua Akoko, in the Akoko South-East LGA of Ondo State. Adenoyin, 37, was arrested at one of the checkpoints between the Isua and Epinmi in a Nissan car en route Akure to Osogbo. He was in a vehicle with four other passengers when the personnel attached to the Police Safer Highway Patrol intercepted them on the road.

The Ondo State Commissioner of Police, Abayomi Oladipo, confirmed the suspect’s arrest in a statement. According to him: “Upon interrogation, Adinoyi, 37, confessed to being the owner of the skulls and explained that he was delivering them to a herbalist named Opeifa in the Oke-Onitea area of Osogbo. He equally mentioned other customers he usually supplies human skulls to include one Almonso, who lives at Oke-Onitea, Osogbo, Alfaa Agba who lives at Oke Onitea, and also Oshoyemi who resides around the Oja Oba area. The suspect further confessed that the human skulls were usually handed over to him by one Imaila living at Oboroke in Okene, and that each head is sold for between N30,000 and N35,000.” The police chief added that the suspect would be transferred to the State Criminal Investigation Department (SCID) unit in Akure with his case file for further investigations.

It is a shame that some people not only violate the dead, other people’s treasured bodies and memories, but also kill people to harvest their organs for sale, treating them like cattle. In most cases, these dead bodies are used in demonic money-making rituals, but the absurdity of the trade and practice is underlined by the fact that to date, no one has come out to tell the Nigerian public that he is a ritualist, as the traders in human flesh are called. The government must deploy every asset at its disposal, including public enlightenment campaigns, against this pernicious trade which casts the country and its people in extremely bad light.  This nonsense must stop. As we have said it many times, no ritualist is on Forbes’ list of billionaires.  The wealthiest people in this world have legitimate businesses; they saw a need, keyed into it, and provided services to meet that need, reaping bountiful rewards from their investment in social research. The idea that dead human flesh could somehow conjure certain spirits that will bring wealth to those subscribed to such dark practices is not only absurd but patently illogical. Are the spirits alleged to be behind such practices supposed to replace government mints, printing money from their mystical spaces and modelling them after the national currency, or do they steal other people’s money from the vault of banks, perhaps even the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), then bring such monies to those who have summoned them?  Even if such a practice was real, which is vehemently denied, how does it square with the ancient, timeless wisdom that hard work—legitimate, socially sanctioned labour— is the route to wealth?

It is no coincidence that the apprehended ritualists easily show themselves to be extremely selfish, nihilistic and narcissistic. For instance, the suspect in the current story was reported to have claimed that he sold skulls in order to cater to his mother’s health. But this is a lame excuse if it even qualifies as one. Just how do you divest other people of their body parts in order to make your own mother keep hers in good shape? If every Nigerian whose mother took ill decided on his own course of action, how would the society look? Was engaging in crime the only route to addressing his mother’s health challenge? How about engaging in honest, decent labour? And now that he is in the clutches of the law, how will he ensure his mother’s wellbeing?

Yusuf’s arrest confirms, yet again, the prevalence of ritualistic engagements across the country as the platform for wealth enhancement as if killing people had ever resulted in real riches. The society has a lot of work to do to dissuade people from this unfortunate and ridiculous mindset that could only have resulted from the perversions attributable to poverty in the land. Wealth, we reiterate, ordinarily comes from productive engagements, hardwork and commitment and not the infantile engagement with occult manipulations. Given that this unfortunate engagement with rituals often comes with the sadistic killing of other human beings, there is a crucial need to strengthen the capacity of the government to apprehend those involved for necessary and appropriate punishment. In the present instance, that would include conducting thorough investigations to expose all those associated with Adinoyi in the nefarious business and ensuring that they are all adequately punished in accordance with the laws of the land.

Source: That human skulls merchant

Also read: A Surge In Ritual Killings Worries Ondo Residents

Nigeria: FG ban on smoking, ritual killings scenes in Nollywood movies revisited: Filmmaker supports ban

I thought it interesting and useful to add another post on the federal government’s ban om smoking and ritual killing in Nollywood movies.

Filmmaker and co-founder of Yabatech Film Academy, Abay Esho, publicly supported the ban emphasizing that “Nollywood is a major contributor to the epidemic ‘money ritual’ in present Nigeria.

Need I say more?

Filmmaker Supports Ban On Smoking, Ritual Killing Scenes

Abay Esho, Nigerian filmmaker

Published: June 1, 2024
By: Samuel Abulude – Leadership, Nigeria

Filmmaker and co-founder of Yabatech Film Academy, Abay Esho, has offered his opinion in support of the federal government’s recent ban on smoking, ritual killing and glamourisation of crime in Nigerian films.

Esho who believes the media to be an important tool for social engineering of any society, said a society cannot separated from whatever it’s been fed over a long period of time. 

Nollywood, he said ought to drive change by deliberately producing movies that set agenda, change behaviour and its viewers perception and way of thinking. 

The director’s statement is in response to the chief executive officer (CEO) of National Film and Videos Censors Board (NFVCB), Shuaibu Husseini, announcement of federal government’s approval of a ban on glamourisation in Nollywood films, last week, at the National Stakeholders Engagement on Smoke-free Nollywood in Enugu.

The ban, has triggered mixed reactions amongst Nigerian movie stakeholders who were vocal about their stance.

Esho whose views aligns with Husseini’s on ‘money ritual’ factor in Nollywood films, stressed that Nollywood is a major contributor to the epidemic ‘money ritual’ in present Nigeria, but the distrust of Nigerians in Africa owing to “what we portray in our films, especially the ones with money ritual theme.”

He, however, expressed reservations with the NFVCB’s CEO on banning of smoking in movies noting it’s be near impossible to do so. “It will be difficult to place a ban on smoking because if the story has a smoking character, how else do you expect (filmmakers) to portray that?” 

Source: Filmmaker Supports Ban On Smoking, Ritual Killing Scenes

Nigeria: again on the ban on money ritual and other vices in Nollywood movies

On May 25, I posted the news that the Nigerian federal government had announced a ban on money ritual, ritual killing and other vices in Nollywood movies. This morning I read a very interesting editorial comment on this decision in a Nigerian newspaper which I like sharing with you. The editorial provides us with more insight in the background of the federal government’s ban, in particular I cite:

“Nigerian movies have generally tended to present false narratives, (….). They have glamorized voodoo, conveying the impression that it is the only source of wealth, and thus misleading the country’s army of impressionable, often jobless youths who have, by their own admission, not only learnt bad habits from the movies but put them into practice, sometimes landing in the clutches of the law and lamenting their poor choices. “

Moreover, the Tribune Editorial places the ban in a historic perspective and appeals to film makers to take their responsibility in a modernizing society such as Nigeria’s. It concludes:

“(…) movie culture should be dynamic. (…) the content of Nigerian films should be in tandem with the paradigm shift in the society. The idea, however, is not just about issuing a ban, but more about the state of enlightenment and development of those involved in the industry.
Their production naturally would not just portray their creative predilections, but also their level of consciousness, which makes it important to raise the consciousness of movie producers and practitioners, such that they would key into the idea of using their films to portray the limitations of rituals and not seek to glamorize them. Indeed, with the right kind of consciousness, films and movies are some of the best ways to help change society and correct anomalies. (…)”

Well said!

The ban on money ritual, other vices in movies

Published: May 31, 2024
By: Tribune Editorial Board

WORRIED by the accustomed negative trends in Nigerian movies, the Federal Government recently placed a ban on the promotion of money rituals and vices in Nigerian films.

Disclosing this during a National Stakeholders Engagement on Smoke-Free Nollywood held in Enugu, Enugu State,  an event organised by the National Film and Video Censors Board (NFVCB) and the Corporate Accountability and Public Participation Africa (CAPPA), the Executive Director/CEO  of  the NFVCB, Dr Shaibu Husseini, said that the country was currently confronted with an industry emergency requiring bold and ambitious actions from all parents, guardians and stakeholders.

He said: “I am delighted to announce to you that the  Minister of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy, Hannatu Musawa, pursuant to Section 65 of the NFVCB Act 2004, has approved  the regulation. The minister has approved the Prohibition of Money Ritual, Ritual Killing, Tobacco, Tobacco Products, Nicotine Product Promotion and Glamorization Display in Movies, Musical Videos and Skits Regulations 2024. We have also forwarded the approved copy to the Federal Ministry of Justice for Gazette.”

According to him, besides the health implications,  glamorizing  smoking in films has a negative influence on  teens and young adults, the largest segment of Nigerian movie viewers. His words: “The film industry occupies a central position in the entertainment and creative sector, and it is imperative that we continue to place the highest premium on the progress of the film industry. The NFVCB supports smoke-free movies and supports smoke-free Nollywood, and we therefore seek your collaboration to develop creative content that discourages smoking and promotes positive health messages. After series of engagements, the NFVCB in collaboration with the CAPPA decided to do a subsidiary regulation to address smoking in movies since this aspect was not expressly spelt out in the extant law. The NFVCB is well prepared to take leadership in this regard and has planned and begun implementing innovative ways to achieve its mandate.”

For decades, while there have admittedly been some positives in terms of the exponential growth of the movie industry and the expansion of the audience and income base, together with growth in terms of the technical aspects of movie making, including the use of special effects, Nigerian movies have generally tended to present false narratives, shirked the social responsibility of advocating societal change,  and assisted the feckless political establishment in confining the vast majority of Nigerians to the morass of poverty, despondency and despair.

They have glamorized voodoo, conveying the impression that it is the only source of wealth, and thus misleading the country’s army of impressionable, often jobless youths who have, by their own admission, not only learnt bad habits from the movies but put them into practice, sometimes landing in the clutches of the law and lamenting their poor choices.

It is a fact that even at this very moment, most Nigerian movies continue to portray Nigerians as a people very badly; that is, as avid subscribers to dark and demonic practices, fraud, prostitution and drug abuse, to mention but a few. They show a society still living in the stone age, which is why the late erudite scholar, Professor Ayo Banjo, once panned them for consistently portraying a bygone age and for being pernicious in their messages. In most cases, the movies portray Nigerians as a people still stuck in superstition, whereas culture is dynamic and any aspect of it that is repugnant should be discarded. Nigerian movies, if they are to assist in the development and  modernisation effort, ought to project positive images and ideas. They ought to enable and give a fillip to science and technology.

Nothing in life is static: movie culture should be dynamic.  There was a time twin babies had to be killed in many communities in this country, but magnifying such today is evidently anachronistic. Sticking to the osu caste system, the suppression of widows and genital mutilation is barbaric: the content of Nigerian films should be in tandem with the paradigm shift in the society. The idea, however, is not just about issuing a ban, but more about the state of enlightenment and development of those involved in the industry. Their production naturally would not just portray their creative predilections, but also their level of consciousness, which makes it important to raise the consciousness of movie producers and practitioners, such that they would key into the idea of using their films to portray the limitations of rituals and not seek to glamorize them. Indeed, with the right kind of consciousness, films and movies are some of the best ways to help change society and correct anomalies. The idea should be to conscientize movie practitioners about the need to observe the limits and negatives of rituals and use their craft to help dissuade society from them. The government should take up this advocacy in earnest.

Source: The ban on money ritual, other vices in movies

Nigerian government bans ritual killings in movies 

I have a special reason for including the recent ‘noise’ in Nigerian newspapers and other news media about the Federal Government’s decision to ban smoking, ritual killings (‘money rituals’) and other harmful, indecent and/or criminal habits and practices in movies and music videos – and the subsequent denial of such a measure as well as the rationale of a ban. The at times contradictory articles are very confusing but I leave it to the reader to appreciate what really happened.

The reason for including these articles here is that it clearly shows how ‘normal’ it is to talk about ritual killings in Nigeria. It clearly demonstrates how much ‘money rituals’ are part of daily life in Nigeria. In fact, the occurrence of ritual murders in movies reflect the occurrence of ritualistic murders in daily life. A sad reality.

There was no reason to include these articles on the FG’s ban on ritual killings in movies to prove that these outdated, criminal and repulsive practices and crimes still occur in one of Africa’s most modern countries. As stated before, it is impossible to include here all reports of discovered bodies with organs or other body parts missing, and all reported cases of ‘money rituals’ in this West African country. I estimate that every day at least one ritual murder is committed in Nigeria. After all, Nigeria also is Africa’s most populated country with a population exceeding 225 million people.
(webmaster FVDK)

Nigerian govt bans smoking, ritual killings in movies, music videos, skits – Published May 24, 2024 – Screenshot – To access the YouTube video, please click here

Tinubu Bans Money Ritual, Smoking Scenes in Nollywood Films, Gives Reason

Published: May 23, 2024
By: Esther Odili – Legit, Nigeria journalist Esther Odili has over two years of experience covering political parties and movements.

  • The federal government led by Bola Tinubu has announced the ban on money ritual, ritual killing and other vices in Nollywood movies.
  • Shaibu Husseini, the executive director of the National Film and Video Censors Board, confirmed the development at a national stakeholders’ engagement in Enugu on Wednesday.
  • Dr Husseini explained that the move became imperative to urgently address the ugly trend.

President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s led federal government has approved the prohibition of money rituals and the glamorising of vices in Nigerian films.

Tinubu’s government confirmed the ban on smoking, rituals, and other negative vices in Nollywood films. Photo credit: Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu Source: Facebook

“To sanitise the film industry”, FG says
As reported by The Punch, Shaibu Husseini, the executive director and CEO of the National Film and Video Censors Board (NFVCB), disclosed this at a National Stakeholders Engagement on Smoke-Free Nollywood held in Enugu on Wednesday, May 22.

Husseini lamented that the present day movie industry is facing an “industry emergency” requiring bold and ambitious actions from all parents, guardians and stakeholders, Vanguard reported. He added that the regulation to ban smoking and other crimes has been approved by Hannatu Musawa, the minister of arts, culture and the creative economy, The Cable reported.

“As you all know, the film industry occupies a central position in the entertainment and creative sector and it is imperative that we continue to place the highest premium on the progress of the film industry,” he said.

“When my predecessor approached the former Minister of Information, Alhaji Lai Muhammed on the need to make a subsidiary legislation to curtail the display of smoking in Nigerian movies, he saw the need to include money rituals.

“Others included in the regulation are ritual killings and glamorising other crimes to further sanitise the film industry.”

Movie producers, directors and actors drawn from different parts of the country, as well as leaders of various guilds and associations in the Nigerian film industry were present at the event.

Kano government bans movies promoting cross-dressing
In a similar development, reported that the Kano state government banned all movies and cinematic productions promoting thuggery and cross-dressing in the state.

This was announced in a press statement issued by the media officer of the state’s censorship board, Abdullah Sani Sulaiman. “It is high time we put a stop to this sort of films that corrupt the morals of the Kano people,” the board stated.


Source: JUST IN: Tinubu Bans Money Ritual, Smoking Scenes in Nollywood Films, Gives Reason

Read also:

Kanayo O Kanayo Attacks FG Over Plans to Ban Rituals Scenes, Others in Movies: “Arrant Nonsense”

Published: May 24, 2024
By: Chinasa Afigbo – Legit, Nigeria

  • Nigerian actor Kanayo O. Kanayo is enraged over the latest regulations by the government to ban ritual scenes and more in Nollywood movies.
  • The veteran known for portraying such continuous roles dropped a message for the minster and his cohorts. 
  • The new restriction claimed that such movie interpretations had a negative impact on teens and young adults.

Prominent Nigerian actor Kanayo O. Kanayo, aka Nnayi Sacrifice, is displeased over the government’s new laws to scrap rituals and other likely portrayals from films, music videos, and skit content.

The Executive Director/CEO of National Film and Video Censors Board (NFVCB), Shaibu Husseini, stated days ago that the Federal Government has approved the prohibition of money rituals and glamourising of vices in Nigerian films.

Husseini disclosed this while speaking at a National Stakeholders Engagement on Smoke-Free Nollywood in Enugu on Wednesday, May 22. The NFVCB boss said in part:

“When my predecessor approached the former Minister of Information, Alhaji Lai Muhammed, about the need to make a subsidiary legislation to curtail the display of smoking in Nigerian movies, he saw the need to include money rituals. Others included in the regulation are ritual killings and glamourising other crimes to further sanitise the film industry.”

According to Husseini, in addition to the health concerns, glamorising smoking in films has a negative impact on teens and young adults, who make up the majority of Nigeria’s moviegoers. He stated that the board planned to implement extensive enlightenment campaigns in secondary schools, tertiary institutions, local communities, faith organisations, and other institutions.

Kanayo O Kanayo reacts 
Kanayo criticised the policy and classified it as “arrant nonsense”. He questioned Barrister Hannatu Musa Musawa’s justification for imposing such restrictions on filmmakers and mocked his tenure.

“Arrant NONSENSE. This Minister has no work, just like Liar Mohammed.”

See his remark here:

Source: Kanayo O Kanayo Attacks FG Over Plans to Ban Rituals Scenes, Others in Movies: “Arrant Nonsense”


I Didn’t Pronounce Ban on Smoking and Ritual Scenes in Movies – Shaibu Husseini

Published: May 24, 2024
By: Thandiubani –

The event was organised by the NFVCB and Corporate Accountability and Public Participation Africa (CAPPA). 

Executive director of the National Film and Video Censors Board (NFVCB) Shaibu Husseini has denied reports that the Federal Government has placed a ban on money rituals and smoking in Nigerian films and skits.

Clarifying the report, Husseini while speaking at a national stakeholders engagement on smoke-free Nollywood in Enugu on Wednesday, debunked the viral report.

The event was organised by the NFVCB and Corporate Accountability and Public Participation Africa (CAPPA).

Movie producers, directors and actors drawn from different parts of the country, as well as leaders of various guilds and associations in the Nigerian film industry were present at the event.

However, in a statement on Thursday released on social media, Husseini said in part:

“I did NOT announce a ban on ‘smoking, or smoking, and ritual scenes in movies’ at the (southeast zone) stakeholders engagement on a healthy screen and the campaign to have a smoke free Nollywood which held in Enugu in collaboration with @CAPPAfrica. No, I did NOT.

“What I mentioned in a speech that I have shared here is the existence of a regulation (NFVCB Regulations 2024) that in line with global best practices prohibits the PROMOTION and GLAMOURISATION of Money Ritual, Ritual Killing, Tobacco, Tobacco product, Nicotine products in movies, musical videos and skits. The regulation aims at discouraging the ‘unnecessary’ depiction, promotion, advertisement, or glamourisation of tobacco or nicotine products in movies, musical videos, and skits.”

Husseini assured that the NFVCB would not implement any policy that will muzzle creativity. He added:

“Any movie, skit, or musical video that displays or depicts tobacco or nicotine products, brands, or use that is necessary to the realization of a narrative shall be given the appropriate classification (rating) and shall not be shown to persons below the age of 18.”

Source: I Didn’t Pronounce Ban on Smoking and Ritual Scenes in Movies – Shaibu Husseini

More links:

Ban On Smoking And Ritual In Nollywood: Kanayo .O. Kanayo and Mike Okori Berate Action
May 23, 2024

NFVCB clarifies ban on ritual, smoking scenes in Nollywood
May 24, 2024

Nigeria Bans Money Rituals And Smoking In Movies
May 24, 2024

Kanayo O. Kanayo Fumes as FG Bans ‘Money Rituals’ in Nollywood
May 24, 2024

‘Nnayi sacrifice’ Kanayo O. Kanayo Rages as FG Bans ‘Money Rituals’ in Nollywood
May 24, 2024

NFVCB Didn’t Announce Ban On Smoking, Rituals — DG, Husseini Shaibu
May 25, 2024

FG denies placing ban on smoking, rituals in films
May 25, 2024

FG clarifies placing ban on smoking, rituals in films
May 25, 2024

NFVCB clarifies ban on ritual, smoking scenes in Nollywood
May 25, 2024

NFVCB: Why FG Banned Rituals, Smoking In Movies
May 25, 2024

Rid Nollywood Of Money Rituals – FG Tells Filmmakers
May 25, 2024

Political map of Nigeria showing the 36 states and the seat of the Federal Government (FG), Abuja

Anambra State, Nigeria: widow initially banished over alleged witchcraft gets new apartment

This post is about harmful widowhood practices and belief in witchcraft. It’s not about a ritual murder.

It all happened in Umunankwo, a village in the Ogbaru Local Government Area of Anambra State, in south-east Nigeria. The story goes back to April last year, when three brothers chased and banished their widowed sister, a 53-year old mother of two children, from the community accusing her of being a witch. The incident was filmed and went viral. Subsequently, the three men were arrested. For briefness sake I may refer to the second and third articles below.

The incident drew once more attention to existing harmful widowhood practices and the plight of women in Anambra State in general.

Moreover, also in Anambra State the belief in the power of supernatural forces exist, though it is unknown at which scale. Related superstitious practices may go hand-in-hand with ritualistic killings (‘money rituals’) and trafficking in human organs which unfortunately also occur in this state in South-East Nigeria. See my February 19, 2023 post ‘Anambra State Police Officers in alleged ritual killing, organ harvesting ring arrested‘. 

Anambra State is located in the South East geopolitical zone of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The Federal Republic of Nigeria is divided into six geopolitical zones commonly called zones. 

Nigeria’s six geopolitical zones

Anambra State is an inland state and one of Nigeria’s smallest states with a surface area of only 4,844 km2 (only Lagos State is smaller). Anambra ranks number 14 by population with an estimated population of 8 – 10 million people (2024), most of them christians though traditional beliefs continue to exist. The majority of the population belong to the Igbo ethnic group (in the 1960s, Anambra State was part of the failed secessionist Republic of Biafra). The region nowadays known as Anambra State has a a rich cultural history.

I already mentioned a prime reason to post this item, the existence of harmful widowhood practices, another major reason is the wish to draw attention to local initiatives and organizations to end these outdated and cruel practices which in fact represent human rights violations.

In this context I wish to mention the commendable work of the organization Advocacy for Alleged Witches, an interventionist group leading campaigns to end witch persecution in Africa. The organization’s Director is the well-known Leo Igbe, more than once mentioned on the present site. His work cannot be overrated and I wish to congratulate him once more with his work and achievements.

Last but not least I wish to congratulate Genevieve Osakwe, the Magistrate of the Children, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Court, in Awka, the state capital, and the Commissioner for Women and Social Welfare in the state, Ify Obinabo, for their swift actions.

Thanks to them the perpetrators of the crime are being prosecuted and the victim, Nneka Uzor, can now start a new life in a new apartment.
(webmaster FVDK)

Anambra State, Nigeria: widow initially banished over alleged witchcraft gets new apartment

The widow, Nneka Uzor, a 54-year-old mother of two, was banished by her three brothers from Umunankwo Community in Ogbaru Local Government Area of the south-east state on 30 April 2023.

Map of Anambra State

Published: February 25, 2024
By: Chinagorom Ugwu – Premium Times Nigeria

A widow in Anambra State, who recently returned to her community after she was banished for allegedly being a witch, has gotten a new apartment.

The woman, Nneka Uzor, a 54-year-old mother of two, was banished by her three brothers from Umunankwo Community in Ogbaru Local Government Area of the south-east state on 30 April 2023.

PREMIUM TIMES, last year, reported (see below – webmaster FVDK) how the widow was spotted in a video clip being led out of the Umunankwo by the community members who hurled abuses at her while two masquerades flogged her.

The three brothers —- Lazarus Uzor, Anozie Uzor and Valentine Okwuosa —- were later arrested and arraigned before the Children, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Court in Awka.

The arrest and arraignment of the suspects were facilitated by the Commissioner for Women and Social Welfare in the state, Ify Obinabo, who promised to ensure that the woman was reunited with the community.

This newspaper also reported that Mrs Uzor, the banished widow, returned to the community in January and reconciled with the villagers, following the commissioner’s intervention and the traditional ruler of the community, Fidelis Nsofor.

New apartment

Mrs Uzor has now gotten a self-contained apartment through the assistance of Advocacy for Alleged Witches, an interventionist group leading campaigns to end witch persecution in Africa.

The Director of the group, Leo Igwe, told PREMIUM TIMES on Saturday that the group decided to help Mrs Uzor after they learnt that the widow had been staying with a relative after her return to the community.

“We found out that while she returned to the community, she had no money, no apartment; her business had collapsed. Nothing. She was almost displaced,” Mr Igwe said, recalling that the widow also made the request when the group reached out to her.

“So, we raised some money and we sent it to her to rent an apartment,” he said.

The group director commended PREMIUM TIMES, saying it was the paper’s report that made them aware of the widow’s travail.

Joy overflow

Mrs Uzor expressed joy while she shared a video clip of the new apartment with the group director.

“You people have met me in my point of need,” she said in the three-minute video clip, almost shedding tears of joy.

“This is wonderful,” the widow exclaimed as she showed the inner part of the apartment.

“So, at last, I can boast of saying this is my own.”

She asked God to bless members of the group who secured the apartment for her.

Source: Widow initially banished over alleged witchcraft gets new apartment


Widow banished over alleged witchcraft returns to community

The woman, a 54-year-old mother of two, was banished by her three brothers from Umunankwo Community in Ogbaru Local Government Area of Anambra State.

Published: January 23, 2024
By: Chinagorom Ugwu – Premium Times Nigeria

A widow in Anambra State, who was banished for allegedly being a witch, has been reunited with her community.

The woman, Nneka Uzor, a 54-year-old mother of two, was banished by her three brothers from Umunankwo Community in Ogbaru Local Government Area of the south-east state on 30 April 2023.

PREMIUM TIMES, last year, reported how the widow was spotted in a video clip being led out of the Umunankwo by the community members who hurled abuses at her while two masquerades flogged her.

In the clip, the people, who were heard accusing Mrs Uzor of poisoning the community’s food and refusing to go for appeasement, led the woman to a road junction where they pronounced her banished from the community.

At the time they pronounced her banished, the widow had collapsed in the middle of a road, apparently due to fatigue.

The three brothers – Lazarus Uzor, Anozie Uzor and Valentine Okwuosa – were later arrested and arraigned before the Children, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Court in Awka.

The arrest and arraignment of the suspects were facilitated by the Commissioner for Women and Social Welfare in the state, Ify Obinabo, who promised to ensure that the woman was reunited with the community.


Mrs Uzor, the banished widow, has been reconciled to the villagers and brought back to the community, according to a statement on Monday by Chidinma Ikeanyionwu, a media aide to the commissioner.

Ms Ikeanyionwu said the reconciliation took place at the palace of the traditional ruler of Umunankwo, Fidelis Nsofor.

She said the commissioner, heads of men and women groups in the community, community leaders and the suspects, among others, attended the event.

The statement indicated that following the traditional ruler’s directive, community members gathered at the junction, where they had earlier banished the widow, to bring her back.

Masquerades also accompanied her back to the community.

Source: Widow banished over alleged witchcraft returns to community

This is how it started:

Brothers label their widowed sister witch, banish her from community

The victim is a mother of two .

Published: May 22, 2023
By; Chinagorom Ugwu – Premium Times Nigeria

Three people have banished their widowed sister from their community for allegedly being a witch.

The incident happened on 30 April in Umunankwo, a community in Ogbaru Local Government Area of Anambra State, south-east Nigeria.

Chidinma Ikeanyionwu, a media aide to the Commissioner for Women and Social Welfare in the state, Ify Obinabo, disclosed this in a statement on Monday.

The widow, Nneka Uzor is a 53-year-old mother of two. She is also a caterer.

Ms Ikeanyionwu gave the names of the suspects as Lazarus Uzor, Anozie Uzor and Valentine Okwuosa.

She said the suspects’ arrest was facilitated by the commissioner, Mrs Obinabo, after a video clip showing the widow being abused and banished from the community went viral on social media.

Viral video

In the clip, seen by PREMIUM TIMES earlier this month, the widow was spotted being led out of the community by members of the community and two masquerades.

As she walked, the community members hurled abuses on her, while the two masquerades flogged her.

“On this day, Nneka (Uzor) committed an atrocity. She poisoned the food of the community, and she refused to go for appeasement. On that purpose, masquerades have arisen to say a final goodbye to Nneka to the boundary of no return,” a voice was in the background of the video was heard saying.

“Nneka, you shall not come back again (to the community). You have been ostracised. Today, marks her last day (in the community). The masquerade has ostracised her,” the voice added.

Apparently exhausted and weak, the widow collapsed in the middle of a road and the people abandoned her there.


Ms Ikeanyionwu said the suspects were later arrested and arraigned before the Children, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Court, in Awka.

The statement was silent on the details of the charges against the suspects.

When the charges were read and interpreted to the defendants, they pleaded not guilty of the charges, she said.

Ruling on bail application by the suspects, the Magistrate, Genevieve Osakwe, held that the matter was a bailable offence.

Ms Osakwe, consequently, granted them bail in the sum of N700, 000, but demanded that the suspects should provide the traditional ruler of the Umunankwo Community, the parish priest of the community’s Catholic Church or the president-general of the community as sureties.

In her reaction, the commissioner, Mrs Obinabo, expressed satisfaction with the decision of the court, Ms Ikeanyionwu said.

The commissioner assured that she would get justice for the widow and other widows in the state who are going through such ill-treatment.

She warned residents of the state to desist from any form of harmful traditional practices against widows, pointing out that Anambra State Government has zero tolerance for such “inhumane acts.”

Banished widow speaks

Mrs Uzor told the commissioner that she began living in her parents’ house in the community nine years ago after she lost her husband.

The widow regretted that her brothers and other family members had been abusing her since she began living with them in their parents’ house.

On the issue of being banished from the community, she narrated that someone had died in the community and that on the day of the person’s burial, she was invited like others, which made her pass a night there.

She said she was surprised that her brothers and other family members woke her up the next morning at about 5:30 a.m. with the masquerades and subsequently chased her out of the community.

Nkiru Uzor, a sister to the widow, alleged that it was one of the suspects, Lazarus, the immediate past president-general of the community, that instigated the banishment while Nnamdi, another suspect, coordinated the act and also filmed the incident.

Source: Brothers label their widowed sister witch, banish her from community

READ ALSO: Anambra women protest against harmful widowhood practices

Nigeria, Ogun State: a hotbed of ritual crimes

Recently I posted several articles on Ogun State’s notorious reputation with respect to ritualistic killings (‘money rituals’).

On December 31, 2023 and January 1, January 2 and January 3 of the current year I paid attention to the scourge of ritual murders in Ogun State, triggered by the public acknowledgement of the Ogun State Commissioner of Police, Abiodun Alamutu, that ritual killings are the most disturbing trend of criminal activity in the state, followed by the warning that Ogun State Police envisaged to embark on a campaign against the reported rise in ritual murders in 2024.

But also further back, in 2020, I reported that there was an alarming increase in ritualistic murders in this southwestern state, according to my June 3 post of that year: ‘What the **** is goin’ on in Ogun State, Nigeria? Alarming increase in ritualistic murders!’

A recent ritual murder case, implicating a gang of seven men including two priests of a white garment church and two herbalist, originating from four different southern states (Ogun, Oyo, Lagos and Edo), was widely covered in the national media (and also abroad). In all, this post covers nearly twenty articles.

The victim was a 35-year old woman, Sulaimon Adijat. She was brutally murdered for ritual purposes, her body heavily mutilated, on or about January 9. Allegedly, the suspects were not only into ritual murders but also dealt in human parts trading on a large scale. Read the details below. It is a chilling account of heinous crimes committed by greedy and unscrupulous men.

Warning: The following articles contain graphic details which may upset readers (FVDK)

Seven Arrested for Gruesome Murder and Trade of Human Body Parts in Ogun State

Seven Arrested for Gruesome Murder and Trade of Human Body Parts in Ogun State

Published: February 16, 2024
By: Nasiru Eneji Abdulrasheed – BNN, The People’s Network, Nigeria

Seven individuals, including two herbalists and two alleged priests, have been arrested in Ogun State for the murder of Sulaimon Adijat and trading her body parts for a ritual called ‘Oshole’. The police are investigating a larger network involved in these heinous activities, shedding light on the moral decay in society.

In the quiet shadows of Ogun State, a chilling tale of greed and betrayal unfolds, as seven individuals, including two herbalists, two alleged priests of the Cherubim and Seraphim Church, and three others, were apprehended for their involvement in a nefarious plot that culminated in the murder of 35-year-old Sulaimon Adijat.

The suspects, ensnared by the allure of wealth, confessed to the brutal killing, aiming to trade human life for financial gain through a ritual known as ‘Oshole’. The Ogun State Police Command, following a report of the missing woman, embarked on an investigation that led to the grim discovery and subsequent arrest of the gang, unveiling a larger network engaged in the trade of human body parts for monetary rituals, seeking to conjure N200 million within a mere seven days.

A Gruesome Discovery

The investigation into Sulaimon Adijat’s disappearance revealed a horrific scene. Various human body parts, intended for use in the ‘Oshole’ ritual, were recovered from the suspects, painting a gruesome picture of the lengths to which some would go for wealth.

The suspects, now under investigation, confessed to their roles in the crime, exposing the dark underbelly of a society where human life is traded for monetary gain. The Ogun Police Command’s swift action has brought to light the existence of a larger network, prompting an extensive search for other individuals involved in these illicit activities.

The revelation of such a heinous crime has sent shockwaves through the community, raising questions about the moral fabric of those who seek prosperity at the cost of human life. 

The brutal killing of Sulaimon Adijat for money rituals not only highlights the desperate measures some are willing to take but also the pervasive belief in the power of such rituals to alter one’s financial destiny. The incident has ignited a broader conversation on the societal values and the urgent need for a moral reawakening.

Source: Seven Arrested for Gruesome Murder and Trade of Human Body Parts in Ogun State


Two popular prophets arrested for murdering 35-year-old woman for sika duro

The deceased, 35-year old Sulaimon Adijat

Published: February 16, 2024
By: Armani Brooklyn – GHPage

Two Nigerian herbalists named Moses Abidemi and Oluwo Samuel Monday as well as two prophets of Cherubim and Seraphim Church, Prophet Peter Oluwalolese and Prophet Jamiu Yusuf have all been arrested for the killing of one Sulaimon Adijat, aged 35, for money ritual purposes.

Three other suspects, Akinwunmi Ifatosin, Sherifff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitouria, who are both from Uromi in Esan West Local Government Area of Edo State, were also arrested for the murder.

According to the reports, the aforementioned people are a gang of hardened criminals who are not only involved in ritual killings but also deal in large sales of human parts.

Apparently, the deceased was reported missing in January not knowing that she had been murdered and used for money rituals.

Adijat was said to have been invited out on a date by one Adebayo Olawale Azeez of Ajegunle road, Atan Ota, where she was later kidnapped and murdered.

Source: Two popular prophets arrested for murdering 35-year-old woman for sika duro


Police arrest prophet, 6 other ritualists for killing lady to make N200m in 7 days

Published: February 16, 2024
By: Afolabi – Within Nigeria

  • Olamutu stated that the report of a missing lady, Ms Sulaiimon Adijat, led to the arrest of the culprits

In Ogun State, a seven-man gang that deals in decapitating humans and selling their parts for rituals has been bursted, the police in the south west state have disclosed. The State Police Commissioner, Abiodun Olamutu, made the disclosure in a statement on Thursday.

According to Olamutu, a human heart and two kegs filled with human bodies were recovered from the suspects. He gave the name of the suspects as Moses Abidemi, Oluwo Monday, Prophet Peter Akiwunmi Ifatosin, Jamiu Yusuf, Sheriff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitoura.

Olamutu stated that the report of a missing lady, Ms Sulaiimon Adijat, led to the arrest of the culprits.

Olamutu said the Divisional Police Office, Onipanu, received a report that Adijat was missing on January 9 after she waa invited out on a date by one Adebayo Azeez.

“Despite frantic efforts to locate her whereabouts, her mobile phone has been switched off since the day she was reported missing.

“Consequently, the Anti-Kidnapping Unit of the command was drafted to unravel the mystery behind her disappearance and a technical-based investigation was embarked on,” the CP said.

The police boss said investigation revealed that the suspects were involved in a money ritual known as ‘Oshole’ to produce N200m within seven days.

“Oluwo Monday charged the duo of Agbai and Alioneitouria N800,000 to prepare the materials for the ritual.

“Oluwo Monday, in furtherance of his criminal intention, later contacted one Peter, who was not new in the trade of human parts, to source for a lady between the age of 18 and 20 years,” he added.

According to him, Peter was to deliver the lady’s mutilated body parts, specifically the head, two breasts, vagina and two wrists that would be used for the ritual.

“However, on January 10, Sheriff and Osojieahen collected the ritual money from Oluwo and travelled back to their location in Edo State.

“Trouble started when Osojieahen used the ritual element as directed by Oluwo, and complained bitterly that it failed to yield the expected sum of 200 million in seven days.

“A search was conducted in the shrine of Moses on Feb. 3 and 10, where female handbags, two cement sacks containing human bones were recovered,” he said.

Source: Police arrest prophet, 6 other ritualists for killing lady to make N200m in 7 days


Herbalists, Prophets Paraded By Police For Killing 35Yr Old Woman For Money Rituals In Ogun

Published: February 16, 2024
By: Onuigbo Felicia – Gistmania, Nigeria

Two herbalists, Moses Abidemi and Oluwo Samuel Monday, and two prophets of Cherubim and Seraphim Church, Prophet Peter Oluwalolese and Prophet Jamiu Yusuf, were on Thursday paraded by the police in Ogun State for killing a 35-year-old woman, Sulaimon Adijat, for money rituals.

Paraded alongside the priests were Akinwunmi Ifatosin, Sherifff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitouria.

Parading the suspects at the command headquarters in Eleweran, Abeokuta, the Ogun State Commissioner of Police, Abiodun Alamutu, said the suspects were not only into ritual killings but also dealt in human parts trading on a large scale.

He said the operation that led to the arrest of the suspects started on January 9 when a report was lodged at the Onipanu divisional headquarters in Atan-Ota about the missing Adijat.

Adijat allegedly went missing after going for a date with one Adebayo Olawale Azeez of Ajegunle road, Atan Ota.

The commissioner said the victim’s family made frantic efforts to locate her whereabouts which all proved abortive while her mobile phone was also switched off.

Alamutu said that the command deployed its Anti Kidnapping Unit to unravel the mystery behind Adijat’s disappearance.

He added that a technical-based investigation embarked upon by the unit pointed towards the seven suspects.

Alamutu said: 

“The investigation revealed that on 19th November, 2023, one Sherifff Agbai ‘m’, and Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ contacted Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ a.k.a Oluwo Mandela to perform money ritual known as ‘Oshole’ that can produce Two Hundred Million naira within seven days.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday charged the duo of Sherifff Agbai ‘m’, and Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ the sum of Eight Hundred thousand naira (#800,000) and agreed to prepare the materials for the money ritual.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ in furtherance of his criminal intention later contacted one Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ who was not new in the trade of human parts, to source for a lady between the age of 18yrs to 20yrs in order to deliver her mutilated body parts, specifically the head, two Bosom, virginal and her two wrists that will be used for money ritual.

“Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ who is an acclaimed Prophet of a white garment church located in Ibadan, Oyo state, contacted another colleague of his, one Prophet Jamiu Yusuf ‘m’ a,k.a Eri Mose in Lagos state, who is notorious in the supply of human parts for ritual purpose.

“Prophet Jamiu Yusuf further contacted one Abidemi Moses ‘m’ a.k.a. Asela, who is a herbalist at Atan Ota, Ogun State. Abidemi Moses ‘m’ requested for the sum of Six Hundred thousand naira to get a lady that can be used for the money ritual.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ negotiated for the sum of three hundred thousand naira for the human body parts. Abidemi Moses ‘m’ is a herbalist and he serves as an apprentice to one Adebayo Olawale Azeez ‘m’, now at large, to harvest human parts for sale, a business he has enjoyed the proceeds for the past three years.

“Hence, on 9th January, 2024, Adebayo Olawale Azeez ‘m’ invited one Sulaiman Adijat ‘f’ on a date to Sunshine hotel, Atan Ota, and she was later taken to Abidemi Moses shrine at Igbo Olomi area of Atan Ota, Ogun State.

“She was killed by Abidemi Moses ‘m’ and others now at large, and her dismembered body parts were taken to Abidemi Moses’s house at Atan Ota to meet Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ and Prophet Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ who were waiting for the arrival of the body parts.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ collected the head, two Bosoms, virginal, and two wrists and other body parts of the deceased. Oluwo Samuel Monday prepared the body parts in a local pot, and lighted firewood to burn it in Abidemi Moses’s house till the next day.

“Prophet Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ joined Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ to kill the ram that was used to appease the spirit of the deceased during the process of performing money ritual. Prophet Peter Oluwalolese and Prophet Jamiu Yusuf were also given some body parts of the deceased.

“On 10th January, 2024, Sheriff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ collected the money ritual from Oluwo Monday Samuel and travelled back to their location in Edo State.

“Trouble started when Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ used the money ritual element as directed by Oluwo Monday Samuel, and they both complained bitterly that the money ritual failed to yield the expected sum of Two hundred million (#200,000,000) in seven days despite having used if for three weeks.

“A search was conducted in the shrine of Abidemi Moses on the 3rd February, 2024, and ten female handbags, two 25 litres gallons containing human parts, one axe, and two cement sacks containing human bones were recovered from his shrine at Igbo Olomi, Atan Ota.

“The relative of the deceased later came to the police station and identified one of the ten bags that were recovered as the hand bag of their daughter Sulaimon Adijat.”

The commissioner disclosed that efforts were on to apprehend the fleeing suspects. He noted that the matter would be charged to court upon conclusion of investigations.

Source: Herbalists, Prophets Paraded By Police For Killing 35Yr Old Woman For Money Rituals In Ogun


Prophet, six others arrested for ritual killing in Ogun

Published: February 17, 2024
By: Punch, Nigeria

The Ogun Police Command has arrested a seven-man gang suspected to be specialised in trading human parts and for money rituals.

The Commissioner of Police, Abiodun Alamutu, disclosed that a human heart and two kegs filled with human body parts were parts of exhibits recovered from the suspects.

The men arrested on Thursday were identified by the police as  Moses Abidemi, Oluwo Monday, Prophet Peter Akiwunmi Ifatosin, Jamiu Yusuf, Sheriff Agbai, and Osojieahen Alioneitoura.

Alamutu explained that the Divisional Police Office in Onipanu, received a report of a missing lady, Ms Sulaiimon Adijat, on January 9 who was invited out on a date by one Adebayo Azeez.

“Despite frantic efforts to locate her whereabouts, the mobile phone has been switched off since the day she was reported missing. Consequently, the anti-kidnapping unit of the command was drafted to unravel the mystery behind her disappearance, and a technical-based investigation was embarked on,” the CP said.

According to him, the investigation revealed that the suspects were involved in a money ritual known as ‘Oshole’ to produce N200m within seven days.

“Oluwo Monday charged the duo of Agbai and Alioneitouria N800,000 to prepare the materials for the ritual money. Oluwo Monday, in furtherance of his criminal intention, later contacted one Peter, who was not new in the trade of human parts, to source for a lady between the ages of 18 and 20 years.”

The CP said Peter was to deliver the lady’s mutilated body parts, specifically the head, two breasts, vagina, and two wrists that would be used for the alleged ritual.

“However, on January 10, Sheriff and Osojieahen collected the ritual money from Oluwo and travelled back to their location in Edo State. Trouble started when Osojieahen used the ritual element as directed by Oluwo, and complained bitterly that it failed to yield the expected sum of N200m in seven days.

“A search was conducted in the shrine of Moses on February 3 and 10, where female handbags and two cement sacks containing human bones were recovered,” Alamutu added.

The CP noted that all the suspects confessed to the alleged crime and their roles, adding that an investigation was ongoing to arrest other fleeing suspects.

Source: Prophet, six others arrested for ritual killing in Ogun


Pictures: Prophets, Herbalists, Others Arrested For Killing 35-year-old Lady For Money Rituals

The victim, 35-year old Sulaimon Adijat

Published: February 16, 2024
By: Justina Otto – NaijaNews, Nigeria

The Ogun State Police Command has apprehended some suspects in connection to the murder of one Sulaimon Adijat for ritual purposes.

Those arrested include two herbalists, Moses Abidemi and Oluwo Samuel Monday as well as two alleged priests of Cherubim and Seraphim Church, Prophet Peter Oluwalolese and Prophet Jamiu Yusuf.

Three other suspects, Akinwunmi Ifatosin, Sherifff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitouria, who are both from Uromi in Esan West Local Government Area of Edo State, were also arrested for the murder.

Parading the suspects at the Command Headquarters, Eleweran, Abeokuta on Wednesday, February 14, 2024, the State Commissioner of Police, Abiodun Alamutu, described them as gang of hardened criminals who are not only involved in ritual killings but also deal in large sale of human parts.

According to Alamutu, on January 9, 2024, DPO of Onipanu Divisional headquarters of the Nigeria Police in Atan-Ota received the report of a missing 35-years-old Sulaimon Adijat.

The deceased was said to be invited on a date by one Adebayo Olawale Azeez of Ajegunle road, Atan Ota, (now at large).

It was gathered that Adijat, who worked as a security guard at Canaan Land, Sango Ota, received a call after she got back from work.

She said: “I ‘m coming” to the caller and then told her sister that she was going to Atan in Ota.

The CP revealed that consequently, a tactical team of the police, specifically the Anti Kidnapping Unit of the Command was drafted to unravel the mystery behind her disappearance.

According to the Commissioner, “The investigation revealed that on 19th November, 2023, one Sherifff Agbai ‘m’, and Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ contacted Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ a.k.a Oluwo Mandela to perform money ritual known as ‘Oshole’ that can produce Two Hundred Million naira within seven days,” 

“Oluwo Samuel Monday charged the duo of Sherifff Agbai ‘m’, and Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ the sum of Eight Hundred thousand naira (#800,000) and agreed to prepare the materials for the money ritual. 

“Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ in furtherance of his criminal intention later contacted one Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ who was not new in the trade of human parts, to source for a lady between the age of 18yrs to 20yrs in order to deliver her mutilated body parts, specifically the head, two breast, virginal and her two wrists that will be used for money ritual. 

“Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ who is an acclaimed Prophet of a white garment church located in Ibadan, Oyo state, contacted another colleague of his, one Prophet Jamiu Yusuf ‘m’ a,k.a Eri Mose in Lagos state, who is notorious in the supply of human parts for ritual purpose. 

“Prophet Jamiu Yusuf further contacted one Abidemi Moses ‘m’ a.k.a. Asela, who is a herbalist at Atan Ota, Ogun State. Abidemi Moses ‘m’ requested for the sum of Six Hundred thousand naira to get a lady that can be used for the money ritual 

“Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ negotiated for the sum of three hundred thousand naira for the human body parts. Abidemi Moses ‘m’ is a herbalist and he serves as an apprentice to one Adebayo Olawale Azeez ‘m’, now at large, to harvest human parts for sale, a business he has enjoyed the proceeds for the past three years. 

“Hence, on 9th January, 2024, Adebayo Olawale Azeez ‘m’ invited one Sulaiman Adijat ‘f’ on a date to Sunshine hotel, Atan Ota, and she was later taken to Abidemi Moses shrine at Igbo Olomi area of Atan Ota, Ogun State 

“She was killed by Abidemi Moses ‘m’ and others now at large, and her dismembered body parts were taken to Abidemi Moses’ house at Atan Ota to meet Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ and Prophet Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ who were waiting for the arrival of the body parts 

The CP also disclosed that all the arrested suspects confessed to the alleged crime and their individual roles.

According to him, investigation is ongoing to arrest other fleeing suspects and the case will be charged to court as soon as investigation is completed.

Source: Pictures: Prophets, Herbalists, Others Arrested For Killing 35-year-old Lady For Money Rituals


Ogun Police Parade Ritual Syndicate, Including Prophets, Herbalists, for Alleged Abduction and Killing

Source: Crown Images, Naija News

Published:February 16, 2024
By: Shabach Bako – Remo TV, Nigeria

Commissioner of Police in Ogun State, Abiodun Alamutu, paraded four suspects, including two herbalists and two prophets, accused of the brutal killing of a 35-year-old woman, Sulaimon Adijat, for money ritual purposes.

The suspects identified as Moses Abidemi, Oluwo Samuel Monday, Prophet Peter Oluwalolese, and Prophet Jamiu Yusuf were presented before newsmen at the Ogun State Police Command’s headquarters in Eleweran, Abeokuta.

Commissioner Alamutu disclosed that the arrest followed the report of Sulaimon Adijat’s disappearance on January 9, after allegedly receiving a call from a friend, Adebayo Azeez, who invited her on a date. Despite efforts by her family to locate her, her phone was switched off, prompting the police’s anti-kidnapping team to intervene.

Investigations revealed a grim plot orchestrated by the duo of Sherifff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitouria, who contracted herbalist Oluwo Samuel Monday to perform a money ritual known as ‘Oshole’ promising a return of N200 million within seven days. The herbalist, in turn, enlisted the help of Prophet Peter Oluwalolese and Prophet Jamiu Yusuf to source a lady between 18 and 20 years for the ritual.

Adebayo Azeez, tasked with providing human parts for the syndicate, invited Adijat on a date to a hotel in the Atan area, where she was allegedly killed and her body dismembered in a shrine by Moses Abidemi. The herbalist later burned the body parts in a local pot, subsequently killing a ram to appease Adijat’s soul.

However, complications arose among the syndicate members when the anticipated N200 million from the ritual did not materialize, leading to complaints from Agbai and Alioneitouria.

The police, conducting a search at Abidemi Moses’ shrine, recovered incriminating evidence, including female handbags, gallons containing human parts, an axe, and bags filled with human bones.

Commissioner Alamutu assured the public of continuous updates as the investigation progresses, highlighting the recovered exhibits, including criminal charms, as crucial evidence. The suspects, having confessed to their roles in the crime, will face charges in court upon the completion of the investigation.

Source: Ogun Police Parade Ritual Syndicate, Including Prophets, Herbalists, for Alleged Abduction and Killing


Police parade herbalists, prophets for killing 35-year-old woman for money rituals in Ogun

Published: February 16, 2024
By: John Ogunsemore – The Herald, Nigeria

Two herbalists, Moses Abidemi and Oluwo Samuel Monday, and two prophets of Cherubim and Seraphim Church, Prophet Peter Oluwalolese and Prophet Jamiu Yusuf, were on Thursday paraded by the police in Ogun State for killing a 35-year-old woman, Sulaimon Adijat, for money rituals.

Paraded alongside the priests were Akinwunmi Ifatosin, Sherifff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitouria.

Parading the suspects at the command headquarters in Eleweran, Abeokuta, the Ogun State Commissioner of Police, Abiodun Alamutu, said the suspects were not only into ritual killings but also dealt in human parts trading on a large scale.

He said the operation that led to the arrest of the suspects started on January 9 when a report was lodged at the Onipanu divisional headquarters in Atan-Ota about the missing Adijat.

Adijat allegedly went missing after going for a date with one Adebayo Olawale Azeez of Ajegunle road, Atan Ota.

The commissioner said the victim’s family made frantic efforts to locate her whereabouts which all proved abortive while her mobile phone was also switched off.

Alamutu said that the command deployed its Anti Kidnapping Unit to unravel the mystery behind Adijat’s disappearance.

He added that a technical-based investigation embarked upon by the unit pointed towards the seven suspects.

Alamutu said, “The investigation revealed that on 19th November, 2023, one Sherifff Agbai ‘m’, and Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ contacted Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ a.k.a Oluwo Mandela to perform money ritual known as ‘Oshole’ that can produce Two Hundred Million naira within seven days.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday charged the duo of Sherifff Agbai ‘m’, and Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ the sum of Eight Hundred thousand naira (#800,000) and agreed to prepare the materials for the money ritual.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ in furtherance of his criminal intention later contacted one Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ who was not new in the trade of human parts, to source for a lady between the age of 18yrs to 20yrs in order to deliver her mutilated body parts, specifically the head, two breast, virginal and her two wrists that will be used for money ritual.

“Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ who is an acclaimed Prophet of a white garment church located in Ibadan, Oyo state, contacted another colleague of his, one Prophet Jamiu Yusuf ‘m’ a,k.a Eri Mose in Lagos state, who is notorious in the supply of human parts for ritual purpose.

“Prophet Jamiu Yusuf further contacted one Abidemi Moses ‘m’ a.k.a. Asela, who is a herbalist at Atan Ota, Ogun State. Abidemi Moses ‘m’ requested for the sum of Six Hundred thousand naira to get a lady that can be used for the money ritual.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ negotiated for the sum of three hundred thousand naira for the human body parts. Abidemi Moses ‘m’ is a herbalist and he serves as an apprentice to one Adebayo Olawale Azeez ‘m’, now at large, to harvest human parts for sale, a business he has enjoyed the proceeds for the past three years.

“Hence, on 9th January, 2024, Adebayo Olawale Azeez ‘m’ invited one Sulaiman Adijat ‘f’ on a date to Sunshine hotel, Atan Ota, and she was later taken to Abidemi Moses shrine at Igbo Olomi area of Atan Ota, Ogun State.

“She was killed by Abidemi Moses ‘m’ and others now at large, and her dismembered body parts were taken to Abidemi Moses’s house at Atan Ota to meet Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ and Prophet Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ who were waiting for the arrival of the body parts.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ collected the head, two breasts, virginal, and two wrists and other body parts of the deceased. Oluwo Samuel Monday prepared the body parts in a local pot, and lighted firewood to burn it in Abidemi Moses’s house till the next day.

“Prophet Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ joined Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ to kill the ram that was used to appease the spirit of the deceased during the process of performing money ritual. Prophet Peter Oluwalolese and Prophet Jamiu Yusuf were also given some body parts of the deceased.

“On 10th January, 2024, Sheriff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ collected the money ritual from Oluwo Monday Samuel and travelled back to their location in Edo State.

“Trouble started when Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ used the money ritual element as directed by Oluwo Monday Samuel, and they both complained bitterly that the money ritual failed to yield the expected sum of Two hundred million (#200,000,000) in seven days despite having used if for three weeks.

“A search was conducted in the shrine of Abidemi Moses on the 3rd February, 2024, and ten female handbags, two 25 litres gallons containing human parts, one axe, and two cement sacks containing human bones were recovered from his shrine at Igbo Olomi, Atan Ota.

“The relative of the deceased later came to the police station and identified one of the ten bags that were recovered as the hand bag of their daughter Sulaimon Adijat.”

The commissioner disclosed that efforts were on to apprehend the fleeing suspects.

He noted that the matter would be charged to court upon conclusion of investigations.

Source: Police parade herbalists, prophets for killing 35-year-old woman for money rituals in Ogun


Police Arrest Prophet, Other Suspects Over Ritual Killing In Ogun
While narrating how they were arrested, the command said it followed the “sudden disappearance” of the deceased which was reported to the DPO of Onipanu on the 9th of January, 2024. 

In this file photo, a police officer hold bunch of handcuffs at SARS headqurters in Abuja on October 3rd, 2020 PHOTO: Sodiq Adelakun/Channels TV

Published: February 16, 2024
By: Emmanuel Egobiambu – Channels TV, Nigeria

Police authorities in Ogun State have arrested seven suspects including a prophet and herbalist over the killing of a lady for ritual purposes.

The Ogun Police Command said this in a late Thursday statement.

“The Commissioner of Police Ogun State Police Command, CP Abiodun Mustapha ALAMUTU today being 15th of February 2024, at the Headquarters in Eleweran Abeokuta paraded seven daredevil persons who were directly involved in the killing of one Sulaimon Aishat ‘f’ 35yrs for ritual purpose,” the statement read.

While narrating how they were arrested, the command said it followed the “sudden disappearance” of the deceased which was reported to the DPO of Onipanu on the 9th of January, 2024.

“Consequently upon the report, the CP gave a matching order to the officer in charge of Anti kidnapping Unit, to unravel the mystery behind her disappearance,” the police said.

“The efforts of the crack detectives from anti-kidnapping paid off as seven suspects who were directly involved in the killing of Sulaimon Adijat were arrested after a technical-based investigation.

“They are:- 1. Moses Abidemi ‘m’ 2. Oluwo Samuel ‘m’ 3. Prophet Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ 4. Akinwunmi Ifatosin ‘m’ 5. Prophet Jamiu Yusuf’s ‘m’ 6. Sherif Agbai ‘m’ 7. Osojieahen Alioneiouria ‘m’. The investigation further revealed that on the 19th of November 2023, Sherif Agbai and Osojeiahen Alioneouria ‘m’ contact Oluwo Samuel Moday to perform a money ritual known as ‘Oshole’ that can produce Two hundred million naira (#200,000,000) within 7 days, and Oluwo Samuel Moday charged them for the sum of Eight hundred thousand (#800,000) and agreed to prepare the materials for ritual.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday in furtherance of his criminal intention later contacted one Peter Oluwalolese who was not new in the trade of human parts, to source for a lady between the ages of 18yrs to 20yrs in order to deliver her mutilated body parts, specifically the head, two breast, private part and her two wrists that will be used for money ritual.

“Peter Oluwalolese who is acclaimed pastor of a white garment church located in Ibadan, Oyo State, also contacted another colleague of his, one Prophet Jamiu Yusuf ‘m’ a.k.a Eri Mose in Lagos State, who is notorious for the supply of human parts for ritual purposes. Prophet Jamiu Yusuf further contacted one Abidemi Moses ‘m’ a.k.a Asela, who is an herbalist at Ata Ota, Ogun State.

“Abidemi Moses requested the sum of six hundred thousand naira to get a lady that can be used for the money ritual. Oluwo Samuel Monday negotiated for the sum of three hundred thousand naira for the human body parts.

“Abidemi Moses is a herbalist and he serves as an apprentice to one Adebayo Olawale Azeez now at large, to harvest human parts for sale, a business he has enjoyed the proceeds for three years. Hence Adebayo Olawale Azeez surreptitiously invited Sulaimon Adijat to Sunshine Hotel, Atan Ota, and she was later taken to Abidemi Moses shrine at Igbi Olomi area of Atan Ota, Ogun State.

“She was killed by Abidemi Moses and others now at large, and her dismembered body parts were taken to Abidemi Moses house at Atan Ota to meet Oluwo Sameul Moday and Prophet Peter Oluwalolese who were waiting for the arrival of the body parts.

“A search was conducted in the shrine of Abidemi Moses on the 3rd of February, 2024, and ten female handbags, two 25 liters gallons containing human parts, one axe, and two cement sacks containing human bones were recovered from his shrine at Igbo Olomi, Atan Ota.

“Meanwhile, all the arrested suspects confessed to the alleged crime and their individual roles, investigation is ongoing to arrest other fleeing suspects and the case will be charged to court as soon as the investigation is completed. Members of the public will be duly updated.”

Source: Police Arrest Prophet, Other Suspects Over Ritual Killing In Ogun


Ogun police arrest prophets, herbalists over 35-years-old woman’s death

Ogun State Commissioner of Police, Abiodun Alamutu

Published: February 15, 2024
By: Taiwo Bankole – Punch. Nigeria

The Ogun State Commissioner of Police, Abiodun Alamutu, on Thursday, paraded two herbalists, Moses Abidemi and Oluwo Samuel Monday as well as two alleged priests of Cherubim and Seraph Church, Prophet Peter Oluwalolese and Prophet Jamiu Yusuf, over the killing of one Sulaimon Adijat, aged 35, for money ritual purposes.

Also arrested and paraded for the act were Akinwunmi Ifatosin, Sherifff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitouria, who are both from Uromi in Esan West Local Government Area of Edo State.

Parading the suspects at the Command Headquarters, Eleweran, Abeokuta on Wednesday, the police boss described them as gang of hardened criminals who are not only involved in ritual killings but also deal in large sale of human parts.

Alamutu disclosed that their date with the long hand of the law started on January 9, 2024, when the DPO of Onipanu Divisional headquarters of the Nigeria Police in Atan-Ota received the report of a missing 35-years-old Sulaimon Adijat.

Adijat was said to have been invited out on a date by one Adebayo Olawale Azeez of Ajegunle road, Atan Ota, and since then Adijat has not been seen, despite frantic efforts to locate her whereabout while her mobile phone had been switched off.

The CP revealed that consequently, a tactical team of the police, specifically the Anti Kidnapping Unit of the Command was drafted to unravel the mystery behind her disappearance.

The team was said to have embarked on a technical based investigation, which led to the arrest of the seven suspects, who participated actively in the abduction and eventual murder of the missing Sulaimon Adijat.

Alamutu explained further that “the investigation revealed that on 19th November, 2023, one Sherifff Agbai ‘m’, and Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ contacted Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ a.k.a Oluwo Mandela to perform money ritual known as ‘Oshole’ that can produce Two Hundred Million naira within seven days. 

“Oluwo Samuel Monday charged the duo of Sherifff Agbai ‘m’, and Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ the sum of Eight Hundred thousand naira (#800,000) and agreed to prepare the materials for the money ritual. 

“Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ in furtherance of his criminal intention later contacted one Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ who was not new in the trade of human parts, to source for a lady between the age of 18yrs to 20yrs in order to deliver her mutilated body parts, specifically the head, two breast, virginal and her two wrists that will be used for money ritual.

“Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ who is an acclaimed Prophet of a white garment church located in Ibadan, Oyo state, contacted another colleague of his, one Prophet Jamiu Yusuf ‘m’ a,k.a Eri Mose in Lagos state, who is notorious in the supply of human parts for ritual purpose. 

“Prophet Jamiu Yusuf further contacted one Abidemi Moses ‘m’ a.k.a. Asela, who is a herbalist at Atan Ota, Ogun State. Abidemi Moses ‘m’ requested for the sum of Six Hundred thousand naira to get a lady that can be used for the money ritual.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ negotiated for the sum of three hundred thousand naira for the human body parts. Abidemi Moses ‘m’ is a herbalist and he serves as an apprentice to one Adebayo Olawale Azeez ‘m’, now at large, to harvest human parts for sale, a business he has enjoyed the proceeds for the past three years. 

“Hence, on 9th January, 2024, Adebayo Olawale Azeez ‘m’ invited one Sulaiman Adijat ‘f’ on a date to Sunshine hotel, Atan Ota, and she was later taken to Abidemi Moses shrine at Igbo Olomi area of Atan Ota, Ogun State.

“She was killed by Abidemi Moses ‘m’ and others now at large, and her dismembered body parts were taken to Abidemi Moses’s house at Atan Ota to meet Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ and Prophet Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ who were waiting for the arrival of the body parts.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ collected the head, two breasts, virginal, and two wrists and other body parts of the deceased. Oluwo Samuel Monday prepared the body parts in a local pot, and lighted firewood to burn it in Abidemi Moses’s house till the next day. 

“Prophet Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ joined Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ to kill the ram that was used to appease the spirit of the deceased during the process of performing money ritual. Prophet Peter Oluwalolese and Prophet Jamiu Yusuf were also given some body parts of the deceased. 

“On 10th January, 2024, Sheriff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ collected the money ritual from Oluwo Monday Samuel and travelled back to their location in Edo State. 

“Trouble started when Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ used the money ritual element as directed by Oluwo Monday Samuel, and they both complained bitterly that the money ritual failed to yield the expected sum of Two hundred million (#200,000,000) in seven days despite having used if for three weeks.

“A search was conducted in the shrine of Abidemi Moses on the 3rd February, 2024, and ten female handbags, two 25 litres gallons containing human parts, one axe, and two cement sacks containing human bones were recovered from his shrine at Igbo Olomi, Atan Ota. 

“The relative of the deceased later came to the police station and identified one of the ten bags that were recovered as the hand bag of their daughter Sulaimon Adijat.”

Meanwhile, the CP has said that all the arrested suspects confessed to the alleged crime and their individual roles. 

According to him, investigation is ongoing to arrest other fleeing suspects and the case will be charged to court as soon as investigation is completed.

Source: Ogun police arrest prophets, herbalists over 35-years-old woman’s death


Police arrest two ‘prophets’, others for killing woman for money ritual in Ogun

Published: February 16, 2014
By: TG News, Nigeria

Police in Ogun State have arrested two self-acclaimed prophets of white garment churches and five other persons for allegedly killing and dismembering the body of a 35-year-old woman, Adijat Sulaimon, for money ritual in Atan-Ota.

The suspects who are: Moses Abidemi; Oluwo Samuel Monday; Prophet Peter Oluwalese; Akinwunmi Ifatosin; Prophet Jamiu Yusuf; Sheriff Agbai and Osojieahen Alionetouria, were all paraded at the Police Headquarters, Eleweran, Abeokuta.

They were arrested following a report of a missing person on January 9, 2024 by the DPO of Onipanu Divisional Headquarters that one Adebayo Olawale Azeez invited the victim out on a date and since then she had yet to return as her mobile phone was switched off and her whereabouts remain unknown.

On receiving the information, a tactical team of the Anti Kidnapping Unit of the Command were sent out on a technical based investigation to unravel the mystery behind the cause of disappearance which led to the arrest of the seven (7) suspects that participated actively in the abduction and murder of the deceased.

Commissioner of Police, CP Abiodun Alamutu, while parading the suspects at the Police Headquarters, Eleweran, Abeokuta, said that the suspects killed and dismembered the body of the victim for ‘Oshole’ money ritual that can produce N200,000, 000 within a week.

Alamutu explained that the duo of Agabai and Alioneitouria contacted Oluwo to perform money ritual for them that could produce N200M within seven days and Oluwo charged both of the N800,000 for the ritual work and promise them he would also provide materials for the work.

He explained further that Oluwo later contacted Oluwalolese, to get him a woman between the age of 18 to 20 whose party of the body including the head, two breast, virginal and her two wrists which will be used for money ritual.

The CP went on that Oluwalolose from a white garment church in Ibadan, Oyo State, who later contacted Yusuf another white garment prophet from Lagos State popularly known as Eri Mose, asking him if he could help to get a woman whose party of her body would be use for the money ritual.

He said Yusuf contacted Abidemi, an herbalist from Atan-Ota, Ogun State, who demanded N600,000 before he could deliver a woman for the mutilated body parts and Yusuf negotiated the body materials to N300,000 which Abidemi agreed and called his apprentice Azeez to harvest human parts for him.

Alamutu said that Azeez, now at large, went ahead to do the harvest human parts which he uses as livelihood for the past three years and lured the victim out of her house on January 9 to an hotel at Atan-Ota, from where they headed to Abidemi shrine in Olomi area where she was killed by Abidemi and others now on the run and her dismembered body were taken to Oluwo.

He said “Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ collected the head, two breasts, virginal, and two wrists and other body parts of the deceased. Oluwo Samuel Monday prepared the body parts in a local pot, and lighted firewood to burn it in Abidemi Moses’s house till the next day. Prophet Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ joined Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ to kill the ram that was used to appease the spirit of the deceased during the process of performing money ritual. Prophet Peter Oluwalolese and Prophet Jamiu Yusuf were also given some body parts of the deceased. On 10th January, 2024, Sheriff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ collected the money ritual from Oluwo Monday Samuel and travelled back to their location in Edo State.

“Trouble started when Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ used the money ritual element as directed by Oluwo Monday Samuel, and they both complained bitterly that the money ritual failed to yield the expected sum of Two hundred million (#200,000,000) in seven days despite having used it for three weeks. A search was conducted in the shrine of Abidemi Moses on the 3rd February, 2024, and ten female handbags, two 25 litres gallons containing human parts, one axe, and two cement sacks containing human bones were recovered from his shrine at Igbo Olomi, Atan Ota.

“The relative of the deceased later came to the police station and identified one of the ten bags that were recovered as the hand bag of their daughter Sulaimon Adijat.” he added

Meanwhile, all the arrested suspects confessed to the alleged crime and their individual roles. Investigation is ongoing to arrest other fleeing suspects and the case will be charged to court as soon as investigation is completed.”

Exhibits recovered from them includes :
One axe, ten female hand bags, local pots, one wooden box containing money ritual, two bags containing human bones and parts, two gallons containing human parts, and charms

Source: Police arrest two ‘prophets’, others for killing woman for money ritual in Ogun


Police nab ritualists for murdering lady to make N200m in 7 days in Ogun

Published: February 16, 2024
By: Kehinde Okeowo – The Niche, Nigeria

Police said the suspects were caught with a human heart and two kegs filled with human bodies. 

By Kehinde Okeowo

A seven-man gang that specializes in killing and selling human parts for rituals have been arrested by the Ogun State Police Command.

This was revealed on Thursday by the State Police Commissioner, Abiodun Olamutu, who claimed the suspects were caught with a human heart and two kegs filled with human bodies.

The men in police custody include Moses Abidemi, Oluwo Monday, Prophet Peter Akiwunmi Ifatosin, Jamiu Yusuf, Sheriff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitoura.

According to the CP, it all started when the Divisional Police Office, Onipanu, received a report on January 9, that a lady identified as Ms Sulaiimon Adijat who was invited out on a date by one Adebayo Azeez was missing. 

Olamutu added: “Despite frantic efforts to locate her whereabouts, her mobile phone has been switched off since the day she was reported missing.

“Consequently, the Anti-Kidnapping Unit of the command was drafted to unravel the mystery behind her disappearance and a technical-based investigation was embarked on.”

He went on to say investigation revealed that the suspects were involved in a money ritual known as ‘Oshole’ to produce N200m within seven days.

“Oluwo Monday charged the duo of Agbai and Alioneitouria N800,000 to prepare the materials for the ritual.

“Oluwo Monday, in furtherance of his criminal intention, later contacted one Peter, who was not new in the trade of human parts, to source for a lady between the age of 18 and 20 years,” he added.

The Police boss further claimed that Peter was to deliver the lady’s mutilated body parts, specifically the head, two breasts, vagina and two wrists that would be used for the ritual.

“However, on January 10, Sheriff and Osojieahen collected the ritual money from Oluwo and travelled back to their location in Edo State.

“Trouble started when Osojieahen used the ritual element as directed by Oluwo, and complained bitterly that it failed to yield the expected sum of 200 million in seven days.

“A search was conducted in the shrine of Moses on Feb. 3 and 10, where female handbags, two cement sacks containing human bones were recovered,” he said.

Source: Police nab ritualists for murdering lady to make N200m in 7 days in Ogun


Ogun: 2 Herbalists, Others Arrested For Killing 35-Year-Old Woman for Money Ritual

Published: February 16, 2024
By: New Telegraph, Nigeria

Operatives of the Ogun State Police Command have arrested two herbalists and two self- acclaimed priests of the Cherubim and Seraphim Church for allegedly killing a 35-year-old woman, Sulaimon Adijat for money ritual purposes. The suspects: Moses Abidemi, Oluwo Samuel Mon- day, Peter Oluwalolese and Jamiu Yusuf allegedly killed Adijat and dismembered her body.

The suspects were paraded before journalists by the Ogun State Commissioner of Police, Abiodun Alamutu, at the command’s headquarters in Eleweran, Abeokuta on Wednesday. Also arrested and paraded for crime were: Akinwunmi Ifatosin, Sheriff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitouria who are both from Uromi in Esan West Local Government Area of Edo State.

Parading the suspects, Alamutu described them as gang of hardened criminals who are not only involved in ritual killings, but also deal in large sale of human parts. Alamutu disclosed that the suspects were arrested following a missing person report of the victim lodged at Onipanu Divisional headquarters of the Nigeria Police in Atan-Ota on January 9.

The deceased was said to have been invited out on a date by one of them and since then Adijat has not been seen, despite frantic efforts to locate her whereabouts, while her mobile phone had been switched off. The police boss revealed that consequently, a tactical team of the police, specifically the Anti-Kidnapping Unit of the Command was drafted to unravel the mystery behind her disappearance.

The team was said to have embarked on a technical based investigation, which led to the arrest of the seven suspects who participated actively in the abduction and eventual murder of the missing Sulaimon Adijat. Alamutu explained further that: “The investigation revealed that on 19th November, 2023, one Sherifff Agbai, and Osojieahen Alionei- touria contacted Oluwo Samuel Monday a.k.a Oluwo Mandela to perform money ritual known as ‘Oshole’ that can produce Two Hundred Million naira within seven days.”

Source: Ogun: 2 Herbalists, Others Arrested For Killing 35-Year-Old Woman for Money Ritual


Ogun: Two Herbalists, Others Arrested For Killing 35-Year-Old Woman For Money Ritual


Published: February 15, 2024
By: Olufemi Adediran – New Telegraph, Nigeria

The operatives of the Ogun State Police Command have arrested two herbalists and two self-acclaimed priests of Cherubim and Seraph Church for allegedly killing a 35-year-old woman, Sulaimon Adijat for a money ritual.

The suspects: Moses Abidemi, Oluwo Samuel Monday, Peter Oluwalolese and Jamiu Yusuf allegedly killed Adijat and dismembered her body parts.

The suspects were paraded before journalists by the Ogun State Commissioner of Police, Abiodun Alamutu at the command’s headquarters in Eleweran, Abeokuta on Wednesday.

Also arrested and paraded for crime were: Akinwunmi Ifatosin, Sherifff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitouria who are both from Uromi in Esan West Local Government Area of Edo State.

Parading the suspects, Alamutu described them as a gang of hardened criminals who are not only involved in ritual killings but also deal in large sales of human parts.

Alamutu disclosed that the suspects were arrested following a missing person report of the victim lodged at Onipanu Divisional headquarters of the Nigeria Police in Atan-Ota on January 9.

The deceased was said to have been invited out on a date by one and since then Adijat has not been seen, despite frantic efforts to locate her whereabouts while her mobile phone had been switched off.

The police boss revealed that consequently, a tactical team of the police, specifically the Anti Kidnapping Unit of the Command was drafted to unravel the mystery behind her disappearance.

The team was said to have embarked on a technical-based investigation, which led to the arrest of the seven suspects who participated actively in the abduction and eventual murder of the missing Sulaimon Adijat.

Alamutu explained further that “the investigation revealed that on 19th November 2023, one Sheriff Agbai, and Osojieahen Alioneitouria contacted Oluwo Samuel Monday a.k.a Oluwo Mandela to perform money ritual known as ‘Oshole’ that can produce Two Hundred Million naira within seven days.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday charged the duo of Sherifff Agbai ‘m’, and Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ the sum of Eight Hundred thousand naira (N800,000) and agreed to prepare the materials for the money ritual.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday in furtherance of his criminal intention later contacted one Peter Oluwalolese who was not new in the trade of human parts, to source for a lady between the age of 18yrs to 20 years in order to deliver her mutilated body parts, specifically the head, two breast, virginal and her two wrists that will be used for money ritual.

“Peter Oluwalolese who is an acclaimed Prophet of a white garment church located in Ibadan, Oyo state, contacted another colleague of his, one Prophet Jamiu Yusuf a.k.a Eri Mose in Lagos state, who is notorious in the supply of human parts for ritual purpose.

“Prophet Jamiu Yusuf further contacted one Abidemi Moses a.k.a. Asela, who is a herbalist at Atan Ota, Ogun State. Abidemi Moses requested for the sum of Six Hundred thousand naira to get a lady that can be used for the money ritual.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday negotiated for the sum of three hundred thousand naira for the human body parts. Abidemi Moses ‘m’ is a herbalist and he serves as an apprentice to one Adebayo Olawale Azeez, now at large, to harvest human parts for sale, a business he has enjoyed the proceeds for the past three years.

“Hence, on 9th January 2024, Adebayo Olawale Azeez invited one Sulaiman Adijat on a date to Sunshine Hotel, Atan Ota, and she was later taken to Abidemi Moses shrine at Igbo Olomi area of Atan Ota, Ogun State.

“She was killed by Abidemi Moses and others now at large, and her dismembered body parts were taken to Abidemi Moses’s house at Atan Ota to meet Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ and Prophet Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ who were waiting for the arrival of the body parts.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday collected the head, two breasts, virginal, and two wrists and other body parts of the deceased. Oluwo Samuel Monday prepared the body parts in a local pot, and lighted firewood to burn it in Abidemi Moses’s house till the next day.

“Prophet Peter Oluwalolese joined Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ to kill the ram that was used to appease the spirit of the deceased during the process of performing money ritual. Prophet Peter Oluwalolese and Prophet Jamiu Yusuf were also given some body parts of the deceased.

“On 10th January, 2024, Sheriff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ collected the money ritual from Oluwo Monday Samuel and travelled back to their location in Edo State.

“Trouble started when Osojieahen Alioneitouri used the money ritual element as directed by Oluwo Monday Samuel, and they both complained bitterly that the money ritual failed to yield the expected sum of Two hundred million (N200,000,000) in seven days despite having used if for three weeks.

“A search was conducted in the shrine of Abidemi Moses on the 3rd February 2024, and ten female handbags, two 25 litres gallons containing human parts, one axe, and two cement sacks containing human bones were recovered from his shrine at Igbo Olomi, Atan Ota.

“The relative of the deceased later came to the police station and identified one of the ten bags that were recovered as the handbag of their daughter Sulaimon Adijat”

Meanwhile, Alamutu has said that all the arrested suspects confessed to the alleged crime and their roles. The investigation is ongoing to arrest other fleeing suspects and the case will be charged to court as soon as the investigation is completed.

Source: Ogun: Two Herbalists, Others Arrested For Killing 35-Year-Old Woman For Money Ritual


Ritualists Nabbed For Allegedly Killing Lady To Make N200m

Published: February 16, 2024
By: Peace Oladapo – New Telegraph, Nigeria

The Ogun State Police Command on Friday said its operatives have busted a seven-man gang that sells human parts for rituals in the state.

Abiodun Olamutu, the State Police Commissioner who confirmed the development claimed that evidence retrieved from the suspects included a human heart and two kegs filled with human parts.

The suspects arrested in connection to the unfortunate incident include Mooses Abidemi, Oluwo Monday, Prophet Peter Akiwunmi Ifatosin, Jamiu Yusuf, Sheriff Agbai, and Osojieahen Alioneitoura.

The police image maker added that on January 9, the Divisional Police Office in Onipanu got a report of a missing lady, Ms Sulaiimon Adijat, who was asked out on a date by one Adebayo Azeez.

He said, “Despite frantic efforts to locate her whereabouts, her mobile phone has been switched off since the day she was reported missing.

“Consequently, the Anti-Kidnapping Unit of the command was drafted to unravel the mystery behind her disappearance and a technical-based investigation was embarked on,” the CP said.

The police chief stated that an investigation found that the suspects were engaging in a money ritual known as ‘Oshole’ in order to generate N200 million within seven days.

“Oluwo Monday charged the duo of Agbai and Alioneitouria N800,000 to prepare the materials for the ritual.

“Oluwo Monday, in furtherance of his criminal intention, later contacted one Peter, who was not new in the trade of human parts, to source for a lady between the age of 18 and 20 years,” he added.

According to him, Peter was to send the lady’s mutilated body parts, namely the head, two breasts, vagina, and two wrists, for use in the ceremony

“However, on January 10, Sheriff and Osojieahen collected the ritual money from Oluwo and travelled back to their location in Edo State.

“Trouble started when Osojieahen used the ritual element as directed by Oluwo, and complained bitterly that it failed to yield the expected sum of 200 million in seven days.

“A search was conducted in the shrine of Moses on Feb. 3 and 10, where female handbags, and two cement sacks containing human bones were recovered,” he said.

Source: Ritualists Nabbed For Allegedly Killing Lady To Make N200m


Police arrest prophets, herbalists over abduction, killing

Published: February 16, 2024
By: Vincent Osuwo – Chronicle, Nigeria

Two herbalists, Moses Abidemi and Oluwo Samuel Monday, as well as two alleged prophets of Cherubim and Seraph Church, Prophet Peter Oluwalolese and Prophet Jamiu Yusuf, have been paraded by the police over the brutal killing of one Sulaimon Adijat, aged 35, for money ritual purposes.

The Ogun State Commissioner of Police, Abiodun Alamutu, disclosed this while parading the suspects before newsmen at the command’s headquarters in Eleweran, Abeokuta, the state’s capital, on Thursday.

The police chief stated that the arrest of the suspects came after a lady, Sulaiman Adijat, was reported missing to the Onipanu Division of the police on January 9 after she allegedly received a call from a friend, Adebayo Azeez, who invited her on a date.

The police chief revealed that her family’s desperate efforts to trace her whereabouts have failed since her phone was turned off. When the police received the information, they dispatched an anti-kidnapping unit to investigate Adijat’s disappearance.

He stated that after a probe into the incident, the police learned that she was reportedly killed by a ritual syndicate hired by Sheriff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitouria to execute a money ritual for N200 million.

Alamutu said, “Investigation revealed that on November 19, 2023, one Sherifff Agbai,’m’, and Osojieahen Alioneitouria,’m’, contacted Oluwo Samuel Monday,’m’, a.k.a. Oluwo Mandela, to perform a money ritual known as ‘Oshole’ that can produce N200m within seven days, and Oluwo Samuel Monday charged the duo of Sherifff Agbai,’m’, and Osojieahen Alioneitouria,’m’, the sum of N800,000 and agreed to prepare the materials for the money ritual.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday,’m’, in furtherance of his criminal intention, later contacted one Peter Oluwalolese,’m’, who was not new in the trade of human parts, to source for a lady between the ages of 18 and 20 years to deliver her mutilated body parts, specifically the head, two breasts, virginal, and her two wrists that will be used for money ritual.

“Peter Oluwalolese’m’, who is an acclaimed prophet of a white garment church located in Ibadan, Oyo State, contacted another colleague of his, one Prophet Jamiu Yusuf’m’, a.k.a. Eri Moses, in Lagos State, who is notorious for the supply of human parts for ritual purposes.  Prophet Jamiu Yusuf further contacted one Abidemi Moses’m’ a.k.a. Asela, an herbalist at Atan Ota, Ogun State.”

Azeez was claimed to have invited Adijat on a date to a hotel in the Atan area after negotiating a payment of N300,000 to provide human parts for the syndicate. However, he was supposed to have taken Adijat to Moses’ shrine, where she was allegedly killed and her body dismembered, before moving to Moses’ residence, where the severed parts were purportedly waiting to be collected.

According to Alamutu, Oluwo took Adihjat’s bodily parts and burned them in a local pot before killing a ram to placate his soul.

However, conflict was said to have broken out among the syndicates when Agbai and Alioneitouria began grumbling that the ritual did not produce the desired results after they had completed the herbalists’ prescribed sacrifices. They were alleged to have regretted that the N200 million they intended to get from the ritual did not materialise.

The CP added, “A search was conducted in the shrine of Abidemi Moses on February 3, 2024, and ten female handbags, two 25-litre gallons containing human parts, one axe, and two cement sacks containing human bones were recovered from his shrine at Igbo Olomi, Atan Ota. The relative of the deceased later came to the police station and identified one of the 10 bags that were recovered as the handbag of their daughter, Sulaimon Adijat.”

The police commissioner stated that the apprehended suspects, Moses Abidemi, Oluwo Samuel Monday, Peter Oluwalolese, Akinwunmi Ifatosin, Prophet Jamiu Yusuf, Sheriff Agbai, and Osojieahen Alioneitouria, admitted to their roles in the crime.

“Meanwhile, all the arrested suspects confessed to the alleged crime and their roles. The investigation is ongoing to arrest other fleeing suspects, and the case will be charged to court as soon as the investigation is completed. Members of the public will be duly updated.

The exhibits recovered from the suspects are one axe, ten female handbags, three local pots, one wooden box containing money rituals, two Bagco bags containing human bones and human parts, two gallons containing human parts, criminal charms, the crown and staff of Oba Isegun Zone 1, Atan Ota, Ogun State, and the crown and staff of Oluwo Masote of Ifo Zone, Ogun State,” Alamutu said.

Source: Police arrest prophets, herbalists over abduction, killing


Police arrest 7 suspected ritualists, recover human heart

Published: February 16, 2024
By: Kalu Idika – News Band, Nigeria

Police authorities in Ogun State on Thursday, arrested a seven-man gang that allegedly specialised in trading inhuman parts for rituals.

Mr Abiodun Olamutu, the commissioner of police said that a human heart and two kegs filled with human bodies were parts of exhibits recovered from the suspects.

The suspects include Moses Abidemi, Oluwo Monday, Prophet Peter Akiwunmi Ifatosin, Jamiu Yusuf, Sheriff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitoura, Alamutu said.

Alamutu said the Divisional Police Office, Onipanu, received a report of a missing lady, Ms Sulaiimon Adijat on Jan. 9 who was invited out on a date by one Adebayo Azeez.

“Despite frantic efforts to locate her whereabouts, the mobile phone has been switched off since the day she was reported missing.

“Consequently, the Anti Kidnapping Unit of the command was drafted to unravel the mystery behind her disappearance and a technical based investigation was embarked on,” the CP said.

According to him, the investigation revealed that the suspects were involved in money ritual known as ‘Oshole’ to produce N200m within seven days.

“Oluwo Monday charged the duo of Agbai and Alioneitouria N800,000 to prepare the materials for the ritual money.

“Oluwo Monday, in furtherance of his criminal intention, later contacted one Peter, who was not new in the trade of human parts, to source for a lady between the age of 18 and 20 years.

The CP said Peter was to deliver the lady’s mutilated body parts, specifically the head, two breasts, virginal and two wrists that would be used for the ritual.

“However, on Jan. 10, Sheriff and Osojieahen collected the ritual money from Oluwo and travelled back to their location in Edo State.

“Trouble started when Osojieahen used the ritual element as directed by Oluwo, and complained bitterly that it failed to yield the expected sum of 200 million in seven days.

”A search was conducted in the shrine of Moses on Feb. 3 and 10, where female handbags, two cement sacks containing human bones were recovered.”

The CP said that all the suspects confessed to the alleged crime and their individual roles.

He said that investigation was ongoing to arrest other fleeing suspects.

Source: Police arrest 7 suspected ritualists, recover human heart


Police arrest 2 pastors, 5 others with human parts in Ogun

Published: February 16, 2024
By: Según Ojo – The Star, Nigeria

The operatives of the Ogun State Police Command have arrested two pastors and five other suspects who specialised in trading human parts for rituals in the state.

The Ogun State Commissioner of Police, Abiodun Alamutu, on Thursday, February 15, 2024, disclosed that a human heart and two kegs filled with human bodies were parts of exhibits recovered from the suspects.

The suspects arrested were Moses Abidemi, Oluwo Samuel, Prophet Peter Oluwalolese, Akinwunmi Ifatosin, Prophet Jamiu Yusuf, Sherif Agbai, and Osojieahen Alioneiouria.

Parading the arrested suspects at the police headquarters in Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital, Alamutu said they were involved in the killing of a 35-year-old woman, Sulaimon Adijat, for a ritual purpose.

He said the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) of Onipanu, on January 9, received a report about the sudden disappearance of Adijat who was invited out on a date by one Adebayo Azeez in the Atan Ota area of Ogun State.

The police commissioner stated that since then Adijat had not been seen despite frantic efforts to locate her whereabouts, adding that her mobile phone had been switched off since the day she was reported missing.

Alamutu said upon the report, he gave a matching order to the officer in charge of the Anti-Kidnapping Unit to unravel the mystery behind the woman’s disappearance.

He added: “The efforts of the crack detectives from Anti-Kidnapping paid off as seven suspects who were directly involved in the killing of Sulaimon Adijat were arrested after a technical-based investigation.

“Investigation further revealed that on the 19th November 2023, Sherif Agbai and Osojeiahen Alioneouria ‘m’ contacted Oluwo Samuel Monday to perform a money ritual known as ‘Oshole’ that can produce N2 million within seven days, and Oluwo Samuel Monday charged them for the sum of N800,000 and agreed to prepare the materials for ritual.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday in furtherance of his criminal intention later contacted one Peter Oluwalolese who was not new in the trade of human parts, to source for a lady between the age of 18 years to 20 years in order to deliver her mutilated body parts, specifically the head, two breast, private part and her two wrists that will be used for money ritual.

“Peter Oluwalolese who is acclaimed pastor of a white garment church located in Ibadan, Oyo State, also contacted another colleague of his, one Prophet Jamiu Yusuf a.k.a Eri Mose in Lagos State, who is notorious for the supply of human parts for ritual purpose.

“Prophet Jamiu Yusuf further contacted one Abidemi Moses a.k.a Asela, who is an herbalist at Ata Ota, Ogun State.

“Abidemi Moses requested the sum of N600,000 to get a lady that can be used for the money ritual. Oluwo Samuel Monday negotiated for the sum of N300,000 for the human body parts. Abidemi Moses is a herbalist and he serves as an apprentice to one Adebayo Olawale Azeez now at large, to harvest human parts for sale, a business he has enjoyed the proceeds for three years.

“Hence Adebayo Olawale Azeez surreptitiously invited Sulaimon Adijat to Sunshine Hotel, Atan Ota, and she was later taken to Abidemi Moses shrine at Igbi Olomi area of Atan Ota, Ogun State. She was killed by Abidemi Moses and others now at large, and her dismembered body parts were taken to Abidemi Moses’ house at Atan Ota to meet Oluwo Sameul Moday and Prophet Peter Oluwalolese who were waiting for the arrival of the body parts.

“A search was conducted in the shrine of Abidemi Moses on the 3rd of February, 2024, and ten female handbags, two 25 litres gallons containing human parts, one axe, and two cement sacks containing human bones were recovered from his shrine at Igbo Olomi, Atan Ota.”

The police commissioner disclosed that all the arrested suspects confessed to the alleged crime and their individual roles, noting that an investigation was ongoing to arrest other fleeing suspects.

Alamutu said the case will be charged to court upon the conclusion of the investigation.

Source: Police arrest 2 pastors, 5 others with human parts in Ogun

Nigeria: Ogun State Police Chief on how to tackle ritual killing in the state

On December 31, January 1, January 2 and January 3 I paid attention to the scourge of ritual murders in Ogun State. The present posting is on the same topic and focuses on the authorities’ intention to tackle this evil.

Ogun State is by far not the only Nigerian state where ritual murders are committed and organ harvesting takes place. See yesterday’s posting. It is not possible to include on the present site all reported or suspected cases of ritualistic killings in Nigeria, locally called ‘money rituals’. There are just too many. In the past year I have started making an inventory by state and if time and space allow I will report here on the incidence of these often gruesome crimes in each of the 36 Nigerian states.

Nigeria is Africa’s giant. The country can boast of the continent’s biggest economy and no other country has a population which even approaches that of Nigeria. Africa’s number 2, population-wise, is Ethiopia with an estimated population of 128 million, slightly more than half of the size of the Nigerian population, an estimated 226 million (2023 data).

Unfortunately, Nigeria also is the country where presumably the incidence of ritual killings is the highest in Africa. (webmaster FVDK)

Nigeria: Ogun State Commissioner of Police, Abiodun Alamutu, speaks on the challenges of policing in the state and how the command is tackling ritual killing 

Published: January 9, 2024
By: Dare Olawin and Johnson Idowu – Punch, Nigeria

Ogun State Commissioner of Police, Abiodun Alamutu

Ogun State Commissioner of Police, Abiodun Alamutu, speaks on the challenges of policing in the state and how the command is tackling insecurity in this interview with Dare Olawin and Johnson Idowu

It has been a challenging period but the challenges are not peculiar to Ogun State alone, generally, there is insecurity across the country. From the available records I met when I came on board, Ogun State is still faring better compared to what is portrayed in some sections of the media. We are all aware of the insecurity in the country and Ogun State cannot exist in isolation, it is part of the country.

The major security issues facing Ogun State are kidnapping, cultism, and ritual killings but be it as it may, we are faring better compared to what was applicable in the past.


There are reported cases of ritual killings in some parts of the state. How do you intend to tackle it?

The issue of ritual killing has started rearing its ugly face again in Ogun. We have recorded two ugly incidences in recent times and ritual by the nature of the trade, is never something that is done in the open. Oftentimes, it is after they have perfected the act that we get to know except in some rare cases when they are in the preparatory stage.

Most times, they would have carried out their vicious act before we got to know but that also requires more sensitisation to let people know that they cannot make money from it. Nobody can make money out of ritual killings, it is just a myth. The so-called herbalists often time tell those who want to do ritual to bring human heads in a bid to discharge them. But someone who is bent on doing the ritual will go to any length even if it involves chopping off their mother’s head.

At the end of the day, it does not work. They just go about wasting people’s lives. So, on the issue of ritual killings, we are going to do more sensitisation so that people will get to understand that it is just a myth. The only way to make money is through hard work.

Generally, Ogun State is calm except for the unfortunate incident that we had recently concerning the murder of the Director of Finance in November.

Have you been able to make any arrests concerning the murder of the Ogun State Director of Finance?

I just mentioned it as part of the challenges we are facing but I wouldn’t want to talk about it because it is an ongoing investigation and we can not divulge our effort to the public but I can assure the public that investigation is ongoing and we will definitely bring the perpetrators to justice.

Are you assuring the people of Ogun State that there will be no repeat of such incidents?

Crime will continue to happen. It is only in Utopia that they have a perfect state. There will always be crime but our own responsibility is to put in deterrent measures but where the people are so bold to commit crime, our duty is to get them apprehended. The deployment you would have observed around basically are deterring in nature but if someone thinks they can try our will by coming out to commit any crime, we will get them.


Source: Police compiling names of notorious land grabbers in Ogun – CP

Map of Nigeria showing Ogun State among the 36 states of the Federation

‘Nigerian Government must act against ritual killings, organ harvesting’

The following article contains a cry for justice, a cry for freedom from fear, and a plea for an end to the cruel practices of ritualistic murders and associated organ harvesting that kill people in Nigeria on a daily basis. The author of the original article, Fatima Abba Sanda, works at the Department of Mass Communication, University of Maiduguri, in Nigeria’s northeastern Borno State.

‘The government of president Tinubu must act!’
(webmaster FVDK)

Govt Must Act Against Ritual Killings, Organ Harvesting

The end-of-year period in Nigeria is a time everyone looks forward to as a holiday; it is also one of the most dangerous times as…

Publsihed: January 7, 2024
By: Fatima Abba Sanda – Daily Trust, Nigeria

The end-of-year period in Nigeria is a time everyone looks forward to as a holiday; it is also one of the most dangerous times as disturbing activities in the forms of ritual killings and human organ harvesting become the biggest issues Nigerians have to face. Every day numerous lives are lost to these terrible circumstances, and it saddens the heart to know that there is little or nothing done to salvage this issue.

Travellers are always threatened as our highways are death traps. If it is not armed robbers, it is terrorists, and if it is not terrorists, it is kidnappers and ritualists. Even with the presence of police at checkpoints on these highways, these occurrences have sadly become the news headlines almost every day. 

This is a time when consistently if you check the news it’s always about corpses found in one ditch or the other, or it is corpses missing in the mortuary. You can’t help but wonder where it all went wrong and what the authorities are doing to curb this menace.

Nigeria has been plagued with this devilish and unholy act of people or groups of people who kidnap and slaughter human beings in cold blood, and to top it all on this barbaric behavior, they still go ahead and dissect these persons like animals.  

Sometimes you wonder if these people don’t have an ounce of sympathy or humanity. The urge to get rich quickly in Nigeria has left some of its youths to go into such a criminal lifestyle and kidnapping people just for the sole purpose of harvesting their internal and genital organs just to sell to the highest bidder or for ritual. 

Recently, there was a video circulating on the internet of some men killing and slaughtering people like animals and removing their organs. The lack of fear and the pride they had in displaying those barbaric acts while chanting songs praising each other was so disturbing. You can only wonder how these people are never traced and given the full wrath of the law. In this video, it was clearly shown how almost four fully grown adults were cut.

Enough is enough! 

Fatima Abba Sanda wrote from the Department of Mass Communication, University of Maiduguri, Borno State

Source: Govt Must Act Against Ritual Killings, Organ Harvesting

Yahoo Boys behind increased ritual killings – Plateau State Governor (2022 article)

As mentioned in my January 4 posting I estimate that no state in Nigeria is spared the evil of ritualistic killings – or ‘money rituals’ as these heinous practices are commonly referred to in Africa’s most populated country.

The article presented below very well illustrates this, even though it dates from 2022. Ritual murders are not only a ‘common crime’ in the south-southern, south-western and south-eastern part of the country – as mentioned in my January 3 posting – but are committed all over the country, hence also in the central part of the country and even the islam dominated states in the north.

Plateau State is the twelfth largest Nigerian state. With an area of 26,899 square kilometres (10,386 sq mi), the state has a population of about three million people. In the past, Plateau State has seen many deadly conflicts between predominantly Christian farmers and Muslim Fulani (Hausa) herders. The most recent violent clash occurred between December 25 and 27 2023 which left at least 200 people dead and more than 500 wounded.

As the following article emphasizes, Plateau State not only suffers from banditry, inter-ethnic violence and terrorist attacks but age-old belief in the power of ritualistic ceremonies and actives including murder also add to the state of insecurity which terrorizes the population.
(webmaster FVDK)

Yahoo Boys behind increased ritual killings – Governor Lalong (Plateau State)

Published: January 10, 2022
By: Chronicle, Nigeria

Governor Simon Lalong of Plateau state has revealed that the recent cases of ritual killings suspected to be carried out by “Yahoo Boys” will be dealt with by government.

He also vowed to make the state uninhabitable for criminals, kidnappers and others behind criminal activities in the state.

The governor said this at an International Church Service to mark the 2022 Armed Forces Remembrance Day and Emblem Appeal Launch held at St. Finbarrs Catholic Church, Rayfield Jos.

Lalong expressed outrage over the recent cases of ritual killings in Jos as well as kidnappings which have become a source of concern to the Government and citizens.

He said, “I am deeply saddened by the activities of criminals who are trying to disrupt the peace of our State. Of much concern is the recent cases ritual killings which are suspected to be carried out by yahoo boys that security reports indicate are migrating to Plateau.

“Let me warn that we will make Plateau hot for you and ensure that the State vomits you. After so much work we have done to restore peace and security, we will not fold our arms to see criminals take over. I warn you to vacate Plateau because our people want to live in peace. You have no place here”.

Lalong also said that the State has stiff laws against kidnapping and other violent crimes which include death penalty, warning that anyone convicted by a Court of competent jurisdiction will not be spared.

While commending the sacrifices of fallen heroes and veterans who took part in the First and Second World Wars; the Nigerian Civil War; and Peace Support Operations around the globe, Lalong said there are still very many security challenges that the gallant men and women of the Armed forces are still laying down their lives to ensure address.

“Our Armed forces are today battling criminals who have challenged our national sovereignty through terrorism, insurgency, banditry, kidnapping and many other nefarious activities that are aimed at destabilising our country and dividing the people,” Lalong said.

“We must therefore use this solemn moment to commend them for rising up to the occasion and making sure this does not happen. Despite the fact that the security situation in Nigeria at the moment is not what we desire it to be, we cannot afford to dampen the morale of the gallant officers and men who put their lives on the line daily to make sure that we sleep with our eyes closed.

Lalong noted that, “Without giving them their due recognition and honour, we will discourage not only them, but the younger generation from making similar sacrifices.”

In his sermon, the Parish Priest St. Finbarrs Catholic Church Rayfield and Chaplain, Government House Chapel Rev. Fr. Godfrey Gopep said while Nigerians are celebrating the sacrifices of its fallen heroes, there is need for them to give greater honour to the deceased by living in peace with one another to stopping other standing heroes from falling.

He said peace building cannot be possible without justice, forgiveness, tolerance and unity.

In their remarks, Chairman of the Nigerian Legion Plateau State, GOC 3rd Armoured Division represented by Brigadier General DD Kurmi, Gbong Gwom Jos represented by Agwom Izere HRH Rev. Isaac Wakili, CAN Chairman Plateau State represented by Pastor Elijah Akinwale all called on the people of Plateau State to embrace peace and support the Government in its efforts to restore Plateau State to its rightful place as the Home of Peace and Tourism.

They also called on government at levels to fulfill their obligations to the families of fallen heroes and pay proper attention to the welfare of the serving officers and men in order motivate them to continue to make sacrifices for the unity, peace and progress of Nigeria.

Source: Yahoo Boys behind increased ritual killings – Gov Lalong

Map of Nigeria showing Plateau State among the 36 states of the Federation

Incessant killings including ritual killings – Nigerians should be allowed to carry guns, says Senator Nwoko

Senator Nwoko’s plea to allow Nigerians to carry arms to protect themselves and their families against the multiple threats which they face everyday including armed robbery, banditry, kidnapping, extrajudicial killings, environmental unrest, ethnoreligious violence, clashes between herders and farmers, and ritualistic murders (‘money rituals’) is understandable in view of the government’s inaction or incapacity to improve the security situation in the country.

The reason to include his plea here is the repeated reference to ritualistic murderers who terrorize the population of Africa’s most populated country (over 213 million in 2021) notably in the southwest, southeast and south-south of the country – but one cannot escape the impression that no state is spared from these heinous crimes (also see my January 9 posting).
(webmaster FVDK)

Incessant Killings: Nigerians should be allowed to carry guns, says Sen Ned Nwoko

Published: January 4, 2024
By: Henry Umoru, Abuja – Vanguard, Nigerią

Senator  Ned Nwoko, PDP, Delta North has said that if the incessant cases of armed banditry, kidnappings and wanton destruction of property must be nipped in the bud in the country, there should be the introduction of a bill that would allow civilians to own and carry firearms.

According to him, a bill to be introduced to that effect has become imperative following the security challenges, particularly the recent Plateau killings of December 24, where no less than 100 civilians were killed in the attack.

In his proposed bill tilled,  My Amendment Bill on Controlled Firearms Ownership. Matters Arising and made available to Journalists yesterday in Abuja,  Senator Nwoko said, “The prevailing insecurity in Nigeria has become a pressing concern for all conscientious citizens, leaving many questioning the root causes that led to this dire situation where safety feels elusive. Instead of abating, the issue continues to worsen, spiralling out of control.

“The northeast has been entrenched in a humanitarian crisis for almost two decades due to the Boko Haram insurgency. The northwest deals with illegal mining, ethnoreligious violence, and banditry. In the southwest, there’s a surge of armed robbery, kidnappings, extrajudicial killings, clashes between herders and farmers, ritual killings, and banditry. The southeast grapples with ritual killings, secessionist movements, kidnappings, conflicts between herders and farmers, attacks by unidentified gunmen, and banditry. Meanwhile, the south-south is still troubled by militancy, kidnappings, and environmental unrest.” (italics and bold letters added – webmaster FVDK).

“In light of the alarming escalation of insecurity in our communities, the safety and protection of citizens have become paramount concerns. The persistent threats and violence have left many feeling vulnerable and defenceless. A recent and poignant example is the violent attack that occurred during the last Christmas season, where about 200 people were killed by terrorists across different communities in Plateau state. Considering these dire circumstances, there’s a growing call for responsible firearm ownership as a means of self-defence.

“An amendment bill allowing civilian firearm ownership must be introduced in the Senate. My bill on self-defence and firearms ownership regulation, currently listed in the Senate awaiting its first reading, deals with this pressing issue. I am pleased that the topic has gained national significance, sparking diverse opinions and discussions that predominantly fall into two camps – one in opposition and the other in support.

“It is evident that the existing security measures have not been sufficient in safeguarding our communities. Allowing law-abiding citizens to possess firearms could potentially provide a sense of security and a means to protect themselves and their families from immediate threats.

However, it is crucial to emphasize that the initiative to permit firearm ownership is accompanied by stringent regulations and comprehensive training. This approach ensures that firearms are in the hands of responsible individuals who understand the gravity of such ownership and are equipped to handle these weapons safely.

“The illegal smuggling of arms is a significant concern due to the prohibition on bearing arms. Introducing licensed dealerships for firearms could potentially address this issue by creating a regulated avenue for legal firearm acquisition. This move not only seeks to curtail illegal arms trafficking but also provides an opportunity for generating income through licensing fees and taxes imposed on these dealerships.

“The revenue generated from licensing fees and taxes on firearm dealerships could be allocated towards bolstering law enforcement agencies, improving security infrastructure, and implementing initiatives aimed at addressing the root causes of insecurity. 

“The qualifications for firearm ownership must involve obtaining references from four medical doctors affirming mental soundness, endorsement from the local government chairman for community validation, a traditional leader’s (such as the king) guarantor role emphasizing cultural trust, and confirmation by the Divisional Police Officer to verify the absence of criminal involvement. These requirements aim to ensure a comprehensive vetting process, emphasizing mental fitness, community support, cultural ties, and a clean record for responsible firearm ownership.

“Proposed firearms for civilian ownership include single and double-barrel shotguns, pistols with a maximum capacity of six rounds, pump-action shotguns, and any other types suggested by the Ministry of Defence. This selection offers diverse options suitable for self-defence while emphasizing control, regulation, and expert recommendations to ensure responsible ownership and mitigate potential risks associated with firearm possession.

“Nonetheless, this approach necessitates a meticulous regulatory framework and oversight to prevent any adverse consequences and prioritize public safety above all else.”

Source: Incessant Killings: Nigerians should be allowed to carry guns, says Sen Ned Nwoko

Nigeria counts 36 states; the capital Abuja is located in the Federal Capital Territory.