The following article was chosen because of what can be read between the lines. The author of the article dwells on the pros and cons of social media warning for the dangers which especially threaten children. Towards the end of the article we read a shocking acknowledgement:

Of course, such a statement is in legal terms no proof of a crime, but the well-informed reader and many Zimbabweans will know the truth behind these lines.
For this reason I have decided to share the article with you. After all, the newspaper publishing the article is well-known and respected, one of Zimbabwe’s leading newspapers, and the author, Elliott Ziwira a senior journalist.
(webmaster FVDK)
Social media parenting leaves children exposed

Published: January 28, 2023
By: Elliott Ziwira, Senior writer – The Herald, Zimbabwe

The reader is invited to click the link below (‘Source’) to read the whole article.
Source: Social media parenting leaves children exposed