The following article contains a cry for justice, a cry for freedom from fear, and a plea for an end to the cruel practices of ritualistic murders and associated organ harvesting that kill people in Nigeria on a daily basis. The author of the original article, Fatima Abba Sanda, works at the Department of Mass Communication, University of Maiduguri, in Nigeria’s northeastern Borno State.
‘The government of president Tinubu must act!’
(webmaster FVDK)
Govt Must Act Against Ritual Killings, Organ Harvesting
The end-of-year period in Nigeria is a time everyone looks forward to as a holiday; it is also one of the most dangerous times as…

Publsihed: January 7, 2024
By: Fatima Abba Sanda – Daily Trust, Nigeria
The end-of-year period in Nigeria is a time everyone looks forward to as a holiday; it is also one of the most dangerous times as disturbing activities in the forms of ritual killings and human organ harvesting become the biggest issues Nigerians have to face. Every day numerous lives are lost to these terrible circumstances, and it saddens the heart to know that there is little or nothing done to salvage this issue.
Travellers are always threatened as our highways are death traps. If it is not armed robbers, it is terrorists, and if it is not terrorists, it is kidnappers and ritualists. Even with the presence of police at checkpoints on these highways, these occurrences have sadly become the news headlines almost every day.
This is a time when consistently if you check the news it’s always about corpses found in one ditch or the other, or it is corpses missing in the mortuary. You can’t help but wonder where it all went wrong and what the authorities are doing to curb this menace.
Nigeria has been plagued with this devilish and unholy act of people or groups of people who kidnap and slaughter human beings in cold blood, and to top it all on this barbaric behavior, they still go ahead and dissect these persons like animals.
Sometimes you wonder if these people don’t have an ounce of sympathy or humanity. The urge to get rich quickly in Nigeria has left some of its youths to go into such a criminal lifestyle and kidnapping people just for the sole purpose of harvesting their internal and genital organs just to sell to the highest bidder or for ritual.
Recently, there was a video circulating on the internet of some men killing and slaughtering people like animals and removing their organs. The lack of fear and the pride they had in displaying those barbaric acts while chanting songs praising each other was so disturbing. You can only wonder how these people are never traced and given the full wrath of the law. In this video, it was clearly shown how almost four fully grown adults were cut.
Enough is enough!
Fatima Abba Sanda wrote from the Department of Mass Communication, University of Maiduguri, Borno State
Source: Govt Must Act Against Ritual Killings, Organ Harvesting