Though it’s not a recently reported crime which follows below, it’s worth drawing attention to the criminal superstition which motivates unscrupulous perpetrators to attack bald people. The practice of murdering bald people for ritualistic purposes is not a great exception in Mozambique and neighboring countries. See my June 24, 2018 posting, Mozambique police warn bald men after ritual attack.
Another interesting part of the crime reported below is the involvement of a man from Mali, in West Africa, about 6,000 km away from Mozambique. Apparently, superstition knows no borders.
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Bald man decapitated in ritual attack

Published: January 17, 2022
By: – source: BBC
Police in Mozambique say the head of a bald man has been removed by criminals who wanted to sell it to a client from Mali.
When their customer disappeared, they left it in the central town of Muandiwa.
Some Mozambicans believe bald men’s heads contain gold.
The first reports of bald men being killed for their heads in the country were back in 2017.
The trade in body parts is relatively common in Mozambique, Malawi and Tanzania where they are believed to bring fortune and luck in love.
The body parts of people with albinism are especially prized.
Source: Bald man decapitated in ritual attack