Tanzania: Police crackdown on rising ritual killings in Singida Region

It’s unclear whether the rising numbers of missing persons, abductions and suspected and confirmed cases of ritualistic killings are related to internal Tanzanian politics. However, what is clear is that there is is increasing level of insecurity in certain parts of this East African country notably in the Singida region whereas the role played by certain witchdoctors seems undeniable.

The Tanzanian police arrested seven people. Will this stop the abductions and killings? It all depends on the follow-up of these arrests – and may be more to come? – that is to say it all depends on the authorities to show seriousness and perseverance to restore security and the rule of law in the country thereby restoring confidence in their government of local residents.
(webmaster FVDK)

Tanzania: Police crackdown on rising ritual killings in Singida

The Tanzania Police Force spokesperson David Misime. PHOTO | COURTESY

Published: August 26, 2024
By: The Citizen, Tanzania

Source: Police crackdown on rising ritual killings in Singida


Tanzania police arrest seven in connection with gruesome murders

Police spokesperson David Misime

Published: August 26, 2024
By: Sharon Sauwa – The Citizen, Tanzania
Sharon Sauwa is the The Citizen reporter based in Dodoma.

Source: Tanzania police arrest seven in connection with gruesome murders

And also:

Tanzania Police unveils shocking incidents of homicides, ritual killings

Police spokesperson David Misime

Published: August 24, 2024
By: The Citizen, Tanzania

Source: Tanzania Police unveils shocking incidents of homicides


Opposition party Chadema demands judicial inquiry into abductions, ritual killings

Chadema national chairman Freeman Mbowe speaks during press conference in Dar es Salaam on August 22, 2024. PHOTO | SUNDAY GEORGE

Published: August 23, 2024
By: The Citizen, Tanzania

Source: Chadema demands judicial inquiry into abductions, killings

Map of Tanzania showing location of Singida region