An 80-year-old woman has been killed with her two breasts removed by suspected ritual killers in Arigidi-Akoko in Akoko South West Local Government Area of Ondo State.
The incident occurred barely two weeks after a similar killing in the town involving a 50-year-old woman whose breasts were also removed by suspected ritualists.
The octogenarian, Kajusola Mogaji, was found by her neighbours in a pool of blood in her room.
The assailants were said to have hit her on the head with an object in the night in her home at Imo quarters in Arigidi-Akoko.
Unfortunately, the other occupants of the house were not around when the incident reportedly happened.
The Public Relations Officer of Ondo State Police Command, Mr Femi Joseph, confirmed the incident to Channels Television on Friday.
He said the police would not relent in fighting crime in the state, adding that perpetrators of killings in Ondo would be arrested and prosecuted.
One of the children of the deceased, Mrs Kehinde Adewumi, also confirmed the incident.
She described the killing as wicked and appealed to the police authorities in the state to ensure the perpetrators of the evil act were apprehended and brought to book.
The remains of the 80-year-old victim have since been deposited at the morgue in the State Specialist Hospital, Ikare-Akoko.
It is important to note that the case presented below is not a firm case of ritual murder. However, the firm belief that “(….) we do not have any doubt that they killed him for muti (….)” as one of the community-member said, speaks for itself. This statement does not replace the coroner’s work, but is an indication of the daily fear of people living in South Africa where muti murders are no exception. We will follow related events en revelations and keep you informed on this place. (webmaster FVDK)
The victim Johannes Khangale.
Published: April 27, 2019 By: Kaizer Nengovhela – Zoutnet (South Africa)
Unrest yet erupted once more in the Madabani area, this time because of a suspected ritual killing. The body of Mr Johannes Khangale (66) was discovered by his nephew on the night of April 15. He was found in his room in a pool of blood, with a piece of rope around his neck. Some of his body parts had allegedly been removed, causing all the blood.
News of the murder spread like wildfire, with hundreds of people streaming to the scene. Angry community members blocked the road to Kutama last Wednesday night (17th) with branches of trees and various other objects. They accused the police of not doing their job to arrest the suspects.
The nephew of the deceased, Mr Bally Rambau, said that he had last seen his uncle on the 13th and had tried to phone him several times, but his phone had kept on ringing. When he visited him on the 15th, he found him in a pool of blood with the rope around his neck. He said that he had shouted for help and other community members had alerted the police.
Rambau said that the family members were devastated by the news of the murder. “How can they do this? They deserve to be punished; this is cruelty at its worst,” he said. “Breaking the news about his death was a mammoth task for me, and it was so difficult for them to accept,” he said.
Khangale was not working and survived on his grant, his nephew said. “My uncle was a loving person who made sure that we were all raised well, irrespective of his not working. We will always think of the good he did for the family. He was such a wonderful person; we are totally devastated by his death,” he said.
Rambau said that they were still waiting for the results of the post-mortem. Khangale was buried last Friday.
Mr Sy Mukhuba, a community member, said that they were deeply shocked by the incident. “We do not know exactly what had happened, and all we have here are rumours doing the rounds,” he said.
“We are now living in fear and we do not know who will be the next, as these people never seem to get enough of our family. Look, they killed a defenceless elderly [person] and we do not have any doubt that they killed him for muti,” he said.
Mukhuba said all indications made them believe that foul play tainted the whole incident. “We are very worried and saddened about the whole incident, and we are waiting for answers to unravel the mystery. Police should do their best to dig deep in this case and the culprits should be brought to book,” he said.
Brig Mojapelo of the SAPS confirmed the case and said they had opened an inquest docket. “We are busy with investigations and we will get to the bottom of the case,” he promised.
Mojapelo added that they did not have conclusive evidence linking it to a ritual murder, but if the post mortem pointed to the contrary, the case would be changed. He cautioned community members to desist from spreading rumours and to give the police a chance to do their work.
The following article is reproduced here to illustrate that we have to be cautious when reading news and related articles on alleged ritual murders. In this respect, too many rumors circulate in too many African countries and – luckily – often they’re not true. Be that as it may, the superstition behind these rumors reveals a real problem: the real fear of ordinary people for these ritualistic killings. Hence, though – fortunately – these crimes occur less frequent than the numerous rumors suggest, the ease with which these rumors spread in African societies are a clear indication that the phenomenon of ritualistic murders has not been wiped out in these societies. Related to the foregoing is the position and role of witchdoctors in African societies, as is shown in the following murder case.
We should have this in mind when reading the article below.
PS The added articles throw a different light on the murder of Monica Kimani.
(webmaster FVDK)
Ritual killing ndio wapate power na pesa?!
Popular witchdoctor claims Monica Kimani’s murder might have been a ritual killing
Monica Kimani’s murder has opened a can of worms into so many lives that every day one wonders what new and crazy thing will we discover? Apart from the huuuuge news that television personality Jacque Maribe and her fiancé are the prime suspects.
The prime suspects, TV celebrity Jacque Maribe and her fiancé, Joseph Irungu alias Jowie
Jacque Maribe and Joseph Irungu
Now a new twist has been thrown into this whole affair with claims that her murder might have been a ritual killing. What?
A quick reminder: Monica’s lifeless body was discovered with her mouth taped shut and her hands and legs tied behind her back. Her throat had been slit open from ear to ear. Early reports indicate that she had been decapitated.
According to SDE, a witchdoctor who cleansed the mystery suspect who was with Joe on the night of the killing. Why would one be cleansed after committing a murder? Priests of old would wash themselves after offering a sacrifice. Cleansing, in this case, may speak of a ritual killing.
Was her murder a ritual killing?
The great resource that is Wikipedia, states that it is the act of killing one or more humans, usually as an offering to a deity. Human sacrifice has been practiced in various cultures throughout history. Victims were typically ritually killed in a manner that was supposed to please or appease gods, spirits or the deceased.
SDE goes on to claim that:
This according to a few detectives who spoke to SDE and have travelled to Mombasa to find the mystery suspect. They say that the suspect was believed to be holding vital evidence taken from Monica’s house, including some cash, the killer weapon, house and car keys, and clothes.
The late Monica Kimani
A police affidavit claimed:
It added:
The reason they are searching for this other mystery man is that Joe, the main suspect in the murder was in the company of another man whose identity police are searching for.
Joe Irungu in court
Surveillance cameras on the roads he used from off Denis Pritt Road, show Joe and the mystery suspect.
Did missing suspect in Monica Kimani’s murder visit witchdoctor for cleansing?
Published: October 12 (?), 2018
By: Cyrus Ombati
The late Monica Kimani (Photo: Courtesy)
The missing suspect in the murder of Monica Nyawira Kimani might have travelled to Mombasa to seek “cleansing” by a witchdoctor, police have said.
Officers said the suspect was believed to be holding vital evidence taken from Monica’s house, including some cash, the killer weapon, house and car keys, and clothes.
Monica’s body was found in her apartment at Lamuria Gardens off Denis Pritt road in Nairobi on September 20.
A team of detectives has been in Mombasa since Sunday amid claims the suspect could have gone to a witch doctor or two for “blessings”.
Sources in the team said they were pursuing good leads on the possible whereabouts of the mystery suspect in Mombasa.
Police said the suspect was believed to have been in the company of another suspect, Joseph Irungu, on the day Monica was killed.
TV journalist Jacque Maribe and her fiancé, Irungu, are set to be charged in court on Monday over the murder.
“Preliminary investigations have established that Irungu was seen in the company of another person near the crime scene,” said the police in an affidavit.
“The identity of the person seen with Irungu has yet to be established but the investigating team is following leads,” they said.
According to police, Irungu was using Maribe’s car when he was seen driving in and out of the compound of Monica’s apartment block.
Images of the car captured by surveillance cameras on the roads he used from off Denis Pritt Road to his residence in Lang’ata show the driver was in the company of another man whose identity police are searching for.
Joseph Irungu alias Jowie, one of the suspects (Photo: Courtesy)
Another team of detectives has been in Juba, South Sudan, since Sunday. Monica stayed and worked in Juba and police want to retrace her movements and activities.
The team is investigating what she carried when she left Juba for Nairobi on September 19.
They also want to know what she did for a living, her earnings and any other activities she could have engaged in.
Money theory
This is part a theory that money might have been a possible motive for Monica’s murder.
Director of Criminal Investigations George Kinoti said he was still waiting for reports from the teams on the ground.
In Juba, Monica was said to have been running her family business, Milly Paul General Trading Limited, which provided cleaning services for corporates and was contracted by a number of Kenyan companies.
Separately, Irungu, who was remanded at the Industrial Area Remand Prison, spent Tuesday night at the facility’s dispensary after complaining of pain from a wound that police said they suspected was self-inflicted.
Police said they suspected that Irungu attempted to commit suicide at Maribe’s house in Royal Park estate, Lang’ata, Nairobi.
Maribe was said to have been in low spirits when police visited her yesterday at Lang’ata Women’s Prison and did not want to talk.
TV celebrity Jacque Maribe, fiancée of Joseph Irungu, is suspected of involvement in the murder of Monica Kimani (Photo: Courtesy)
According to an officer involved in the case, Maribe became a suspect under the law that states that everyone is a party to an offence who actually commits it, does anything to aid any person to commit it or abets any person in committing it.
“Where two or more persons form an intention in common to carry out an unlawful purpose and to assist each other therein and any one of them, in carrying out the common purpose, commits an offence, each of them who knew or ought to have known that the commission of the offence would be a probable consequence of carrying out the common purpose is a party to that offence,” the officer said.
“An accessory after the fact to an offence is one who, knowing that a person has been a party to the offence, receives, comforts or assists that person for the purpose of enabling that person to escape,” said the officer citing the law.
Mr Kinoti was said to have personally interrogated Maribe as part of efforts to crack the case.
Director of Public Prosecutions Noordin Haji said he had independently reviewed the evidence so far on record before deciding to charge Maribe and Irungu.
Jowie Irungu, Monica Kimani’s killer consulted a witchdoctor after the murder
Published: October 11, 2018, refreshed 09:35
By: Tony Mukere
Details have now emerged that one of the suspected killers of Monica Kimani fled to Mombasa to seek help from a witchdoctor.
Jowie Irungu, one of the suspects
Police investigations have shown that the prime suspect Joseph ‘Jowie’ Irungu was in the company of another man on the night detectives believe he brutally murdered Monica.
His accomplice is also believed to be holding crucial evidence taken from Monica’s house, including some cash, the killer weapon (believed to be a knife), house and car keys, and clothes.
The search for the unidentified man has seen homicide detectives travel to Mombasa after learning he had travelled there to seek cleansing.
The hunt for the suspect has come at a time when the DPP has authorized murder charges against Jowie and his celebrity fiancé Jacque Maribe.
The detectives working on the case are reported to be working under pressure ahead of the start of the murder trial scheduled to start on Monday when the two suspects will record statements.
Although the publicly reported information showed Maribe as an accessory, who aided Jowie after the murder, detectives have explained that they believe she was involved before or during the murder.
“Where two or more persons form an intention in common to carry out an unlawful purpose and to assist each other therein and any one of them, in carrying out the common purpose, commits an offence, each of them who knew or ought to have known that the commission of the offence would be a probable consequence of carrying out the common purpose is a party to that offence.”
“An accessory after the fact to an offence is one who, knowing that a person has been a party to the offence, receives, comforts or assists that person for the purpose of enabling that person to escape,” an officer working on the case was quoted by the Standard.
Click the link in the source mentioned below to play the video (55 seconds)
The death of Monica Kimani has puzzled Kenya since she was found brutally murdered in her apartment. Below follow two more articles related to this murder case. Those interested in more details are advised to Google ‘Monica Kimani’s murder’ and they’ll get what they want (at least 50 articles) – FVDK.
Another related article:
Revealed: The man who assisted Joseph Irungu to kill Monica Kimani before fleeing to Tanzania.
Current reports say that the identity of the man who accessed the late Monica Kimani’s
apartment with Jowie and assisted him in carrying out the heinous murder before stealing millions of shillings in foreign currencies has been identified.
His name is Jennings Olando and they are very close friends.
Trusted reports say that on the material day when Monica was killed, Jowie and
Olando were having drinks together with other friends at Road House Grill in Kilimani.
Later, the duo excused themselves around 9 pm saying that they were going for a job
They later resurfaced at the same club around 2 am.
Detectives are looking for Olando who is believed to have fled to Tanzania.
It has also been reported that a day after Monica Kimani was killed, Olando went to Eastleigh where he exchanged over $4,000 to Kenya shillings and then travelled to Mombasa.
After arriving in the beautiful city of Mombasa, he is alleged to have sought the services of a witchdoctor to cleanse him and then fled to Tanzania.
His current location is not known.
Monica was found in a bathtub at her apartment in Lamuria Gardens in Kilimani, with her throat slit.
Her hands and legs were also tied when the body was discovered by her brother who had failed to reach her on phone and decided to visit the house.
The deceased was murdered on the day she arrived in the country from Juba, where she operated their family business, and was scheduled to travel to Dubai to meet her South Sudanese fiancée, with whom they were reportedly planning a wedding.
Another detective briefed on the DNA outcome said it shows that Jowie may have had sexual contact with the deceased before or after the killing.
Earlier reports said police are beginning to get a clearer profile of the killer from the way he operated and have now concluded that he is highly trained and killed Ms Kimani with the precision of a highly trained assassin.
There was no sign of struggle in the apartment and Ms Kimani made no noise when her attacker struck.
Results of DNA analysis on samples collected from the house of slain businesswoman Monica Kimani are out.
The outcome of the tests was submitted to the officers handling the murder case at the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) on Wednesday.
DNA tests and fingerprint analysis placed Joseph Irungu at the scene of the murder of Monica Kimani.
Joseph Irungu, alias Jowie, has been placed at the heart of the investigation into the murder of the woman whose body was found in a bathtub in her Nairobi apartment with her throat slit.
Reports say that DNA tests on semen found on the murdered woman ,Monicah Kimani, and other samples from under her nails, confirmed with a 99.9 per cent accuracy that they belonged to Irungu.
This has placed him at the scene of crime on the material day and time.
Other samples which include bloodstained fingerprints also matched 99 per cent those collected from Irungu.
A senior officer involved in the probe said, “We are now working on witnesses.”
Other samples with similar findings had been dusted from an adhesive tape that was found covering Monica’s mouth, a rope used to tie her hands, and the bathtub.
The bloodstains were found on a sofa set. The investigators said fingerprints lifted from Monica’s body also matched those of Irungu.
Government Chemist Detectives from the Homicide Unit at the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) headquarters have been working with officials from the Government Chemist in the analysis of the samples.
Ms Kimani, 28, was murdered in her house on the night of September 19 and 20, and her body— with a throat slit from ear to ear, taped tied mouth and tied legs and hands— left in the bathtub with the water running.
Her assailants threw her two phones in a bathtub full of water before locking the house and leaving with the apartment keys.
Police believe the killer used a knife to cut Monica’s throat but he knife is yet to be found.
Police say that the phones which were recovered and analysed gave crucial information.
In addition, police said that pieces of cloth subjected to forensic tests also provided crucial clues, police said.
The team also dusted a car that Irungu was using on September 19, when Monica was killed.
The office of the Government Chemist was recently moved to the DCI, and this now seems to be working in expediting the quick resolution of crimes.
Images captured by police cameras of the car Irungu used from Denis Pritt Road to his Lang’ata residence showed that the driver was in the company of another man.
TV celebrity Jacque Maribe and her fiancé Joseph Irungu plead not guilty to Monica Kimani murder
Kenyan TV anchor Jacque Maribe and her fiancé Joseph Irungu alias Jowie have pleaded not guilty to Monica Kimani’s murder.
At the Milimani Law Courts, the duo pleaded not guilty to the murder of Monica Kimani. This preceded last week’s ruling where Justice Lessit ordered mental assessment of Maribe and medical treatment for Irungu.
Irungu’s counsel Mugambi Laichena asked the court to ensure he is furnished with all documents and exhibits that the prosecution will rely on
Katwa Kigen for Maribe also requested for close hearing dates, all prosecution documents, investigation diary and investigation officers’ statements. The defence team also requested for the trial dates to be declared.
Public prosecutor Catherine Mwaniki told the court that her office can only provide the defence team with the details once the Witness Protection Agency gives direction on witness protection.
She was however not averse to setting early trial dates as requested by Mr Kigen.
Justice Lesiit directed that the victim’s family had up to the morning of Tuesday, October 16, to file an affidavit seeking to bar release of the two suspects on bail, which application will be served to the defence team and heard on Wednesday.
Justice Lesiit said that another judge will take up the case as from Wednesday but did not name him or her when lawyer Kigen asked her about it.
Maribe has been detained at the Langata Women Prison while Irungu is held at the Industrial Area Remand Prison, Nairobi.
Katwa Kigen and Cliff Ombeta representing Maribe and Irungu respectively said they were ready for the next stage of the case. They emphasised that their clients are innocent.
Justice Jessie Lesiit on Tuesday directed the prosecution ensure that Ms Maribe undergoes mental assessment within a week, so that she can take a plea.
Last week Justice Lesiit cleared Irungu to seek medical attention for treatment of a bullet wound on his chest. The prosecution is lining up over ten witnesses to solidify the case.
On Thursday Jacque Maribe was declared fit to stand trial. On the same day, another suspect, Brian Kasaine was released and ordered to report to police once a week. He is expected to be a witness.
Kasaine’s arrest came after it emerged Irungu might have used Kasaine’s gun in attempted suicide.
Police believe that the attempt took place in Maribe’s house at the Royal Park estate in Langata, hours after the body of Monica was discovered at her Kilimani house. They are trying to link the September 19 murder to Irungu’s gunshot wound. Another man seen at the murder scene is yet to be arrested.
The police believe that the missing man has knowledge of the killer weapon and will help establish the motive of the murder. The search for the suspect was extended to Mombasa last week.
Monica’s body was found in the bathtub of her apartment at Lamuria Gardens, Kilimani,with her throat slit. Her hands were tied at the back and the water was still running when her body was found.