Ghanaian official: “Stop ritual killing of innocent children on the basis of witchcraft accusation.”

A Ghanaian official, the Oti Regional Director of Gender Department Esther Hammond, called on traditional and religious leaders to help stop child marriage and harmful cultural practices such as “ritual killing of innocent children on the basis of witchcraft accusation.” Her plea came during a consultative meeting held at Kpassa, in Nkwanta North District of the Oti Region, a newly created region, in December 2018, carved out of the northern part of the Volta Region.

The meeting was organized by the Oti Re­gional Department of Gender, in collaboration with the Oti Regional Coordinating Council, and funded by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Its objective was to to tackle early child mar­riage and other harmful cultural practices that impede the develop­ment of the area.

The fate of children in Ghana – as of those in other countries – who are accused of witchcraft is saddening. It leads to their exclusion, to discrimination, and other harmful practices including death. It should be stopped. I wish to thank Mrs Hammond for raising her voice against these outdated and cruel practices.

Stakeholders discuss child marriage, harmful cultural practice in Nkwanta area

Published: June 11, 2024
By: Times reporter – Ghanaian Times

A consultative meeting has been held at Kpassa, in Nkwanta North District of the Oti Region, on Tuesday, to tackle early child mar­riage and other harmful cultural practices that impede the develop­ment of the area.

The meeting sought to raise awareness about negative ef­fects of child marriage, deepen stakeholders’ understanding of the issues, and equip community leaders with knowledge and skills needed to advocate policy changes and local interventions.

It was organised by the Oti Re­gional Department of Gender, in collaboration with the Oti Regional Coordinating Council, and funded by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFP).

The event was attended by he Oti Re­gional Department of Gender, in collaboration with the Oti Regional Coordinating Council, and funded by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFP). among others.

The meeting was held against the backdrop of the 2023 Ghana Statistical Service Report that showed that in the Nkwanta North District, 1,014 children aged 12 to 17 years had ever been in union, with 43.0 per cent being boys and 57.0 per cent being girls.

The report indicates that such early unions often led to poor health outcomes, increased risks of maternal and child mortality, disrupted education, entrenched poverty and gender inequality.

The Oti Regional Director of Gender Department, Esther Hammond, said despite global and national efforts to eliminate harm­ful unsafe practices, it remained a significant challenge, particularly impacting the lives of young girls.

She noted that child marriage was denying adolescent girls and boys education and apprentice­ship, resulting in deprivation and poverty.

Ms Hammond appealed to parents and guardians to desist from forcing their girls into early marriage, and rather support them to pursue education.

She called on traditional and religious leaders to help stop child marriage and harmful cultural practices such as “ritual killing of innocent children on the basis of witchcraft accusation.”

The Oti Regional Director of Social Welfare, Innocent Komla Agblosu, advised parents to seek the welfare of their children and give them proper training, to be­come responsible citizens.

He urged children to study hard, obedient and responsibilities, “because rights goes with respon­sibilities”.

The Nkwanta North District Chief Executive, William Nawugo­na, in a speech read on his behalf, gave the assurance that the assem­bly would collaborate with other stakeholders to tackle issues of child marriage and harmful cultural practices.

The District Public Health Nurse, Erasmus Awlime, sensitised the participants to health dangers of child marriage and teenage pregnancy.

The Nkwanta District Police Commander, Chief Superinten­dent of Police, Henry Ayisi Men­sah, cautioned community leaders against handling crime, especially defilement, rape, and encouraged that such cases should be prompt­ly reported to the police for the necessary action.

Source: Stakeholders discuss child marriage, harmful cultural practice in Nkwanta area

Also read:

Gender Ministry Engages Stakeholders to End Child Marriage in Nkwanta North

Source: Oti Regional Co-ordinating Council
Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, Republic of Ghana

Cameroon: widespread violence against women and young girls including ritual killing

I rarely read news reports on ritualistic killings and murders in Cameroon. This is partly due to a bias in the methodology of my research and the selection of news reports which in particular focus strongly on anglophone news media. This however does not mean that there are no ritual murders committed in Francophone and Lusophone African countries.

I recently came across a news article on Cameroon which indicates the occurrence of ritualistic violence including murders in this West / Central African country. In particular, I read (I quote): “Every week in Cameroon, there is a report of femicide, ritual killing, rape case, or any other form of violence resulting in the death of a woman or girl.” (Unquote).

The main focus of the article being on femicide and the plight of women and young girls in Cameroon, I will refrain from elaborating on the horrible crime of femicide since this topic is not this site’s focus.

For research purposes I present the original article below, as usual accompanied by a reference to its source.
(webmaster FVDK)

Cameroon: Calls mount for comprehensive legislation to combat femicide

Published: May 16, 2023
By: Business In Cameroon (Yaoundé)

The alarming rate of femicide in Cameroon has prompted women’s associations and stakeholders to raise their voices to demand comprehensive legislation to combat the phenomenon.

“Since January 2023, we have recorded no less than 27 women and young girls who have died as a result of violence perpetrated against them by men, in most cases a spouse or a relative,” regretted the Minister of Family and Women’s Empowerment (Minproff), Marie Thérèse Abena Ondoa. She was speaking during an advocacy session held in Yaoundé on the sidelines of the International Day of Families on May 15.

Even more alarming, the figures reported by Minproff, although already very high, are only the tip of the iceberg. According to women’s rights organizations, the situation is much worse than that because in many cases deaths related to gender-based violence are not reported as such. Hence the urgent need for a legal framework to stop the mass killings of women and girls because of their gender.

“A specific law against violence against women is a must in Cameroon. The head of State made that promise to us in 1997. And I now realize he knew such a law is crucial. We’ve always thought our current legal law was enough. Many things have indeed been done, many mechanisms have been put in place but that is not enough. Perpetrators must be deterred, especially when they are intimate partners or family members,” said the national president of the Association to Fight Violence Against Women, Élise Pierrette Mpoung Meno.

Grim picture

Many of Cameroon’s development partners also support this initiative. They call for the strengthening of the legal framework to put a definitive end to GBV. The UN Women’s resident representative in Cameroon, Marie Pierre Raky Chaupin, said femicides “are the most brutal and extreme manifestation of a continuum of violence against women and girls”.

“Cameron lacks a legal framework against GBV, but there are many provisions that punish different forms of gender-based violence. We may need to examine the existing strong legal framework in Cameroon and better coordinate it with comprehensive legislation. This is an advocacy that UNFPA has started,” says Noemie Dalmonte, Deputy Representative of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). This UN agency supports the government in its efforts to combat GBV through prevention and risk reduction actions and activities.

Every week in Cameroon, there is a report of femicide, ritual killing, rape case, or any other form of violence resulting in the death of a woman or girl. “The situation is gruesome, given the recent news,” acknowledges Minproff, who also wishes to see specific legislation that will “severely punish” GBV perpetrators.

Pending the adoption of the law, Marie Thérèse Abena Ondoa said new strategies will be swiftly put in place. The success of this approach requires the involvement of everyone, including communities, she said.

Source: Cameroon: Calls mount for Comprehensive Legislation to combat femicide

Political map of Cameroon